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1. Tuchman, Barbara : Historians : History - Mega Net Login. mega net. Search Mega Net. Home Library Humanities History Historians Tuchman, Barbara. Tuchman, Barbara MSN Encarta http://www.mega-net.net/library/humanities/history/historians/tuchman_barbara | |
2. Barbara Tuchman@Everything2.com McFadden, Kathleen, Women s Stories, Historian Barbara Tuchman , http//writetools.com/women/stories/tuchman_barbara.html, 7/17/01 http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1115176 |
3. Tuchman, Barbara - Ninemsn Encarta Tuchman, Barbara (19121989), American author, self-trained historian, and Pulitzer Prize-winner. Tuchman was born in New York, and educated at http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761575907/tuchman_barbara.html | |
4. BookFizz: STILWELL AND THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN CHINA, 1911-1945 By Barbara Tu Home Society_ _social_sciences Politics_ _government International_relations T Tuchman,_Barbara STILWELL AND THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE IN CHINA, http://books.bookfizz.com/books/JPS/Tuchman_Barbara/STILWELL_AND_THE_AMERICAN_EX | |
5. American Biographies â Historians - List Of Items - MSN Encarta MSN homeMailMy MSNSign in. encartagreeting cardsmore. Envelope Hotmail im Messenger Figure of person in front of computer monitor My MSN http://encarta.msn.com/refedlist_210048043_28/tuchman_barbara.html | |
6. Tuchman Barbara - Search Results - MSN Encarta MSN HomeHotmailMy MSNSign in. encartamore. Envelope Hotmail Two people figures Messenger Figure of person in front of computer monitor My MSN http://uk.encarta.msn.com/tuchman_barbara.html | |
7. Libri.de - Tuchman Barbara Translate this page Suche » finden » Erweiterte Suche. Home Bücher English Books Hörbücher eBooks Hörbuch Download DVD/Video Musik Preishits http://www.libri.de/shop/action/advancedSearch/moreBy/tuchman_barbara.html | |
8. De Trotse Toren, Een Portret Van De Wereld In De Jaren 1890 - 1914, Tuchman Barb Translate this page De Trotse Toren, een portret van de wereld in de jaren 1890 - 1914, Tuchman Barbara, De Blikken Trommel is een antiquariaat gespecialiseerd in Reisverhalen http://www.deblikkentrommel.nl/de_trotse_toren_een_portret_van_de_wereld_in_de_j | |
9. Libreria Rizzoli - TUCHMAN BARBARA - PRACTISING HISTORY Translate this page Libreria Rizzoli. Home; Libri; Dvd e Film; E-dicola; Giochi. Ricerca libera Ricerca avanzata ». Contattaci; Ordina; Spedizioni; Help http://libreriarizzoli.corriere.it/libro/tuchman_barbara-practising_history.aspx |
10. Tuchman Barbara Translate this page Barbara Tuchman. Sie suchen Bücher von Barbara Tuchman? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO A Distant Mirror. The Calamitous Fourteenth August 1914. http://www.antiquario.de/a_autoren/tu/Tuchman_Barbara.html | |
11. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Fester Einband - Der Ferne Spiegel - Bar Translate this page Buch Portofrei günstig Ex Libris Fester Einband - Der ferne Spiegel - Barbara Tuchman - exlibris.ch. http://www.exlibris.ch/buch/tuchman_barbara/der_ferne_spiegel/sbz/2398103.aspx | |
12. Tuchman, Barbara - MSN Encarta Translate this page Tuchman, Barbara (1912-1989), amerikanische Publizistin, Historikerin und Pulitzerpreisträgerin. Tuchman wurde in New York City geboren und studierte http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761575907/Tuchman_Barbara.html | |
13. Tuchman, Barbara - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie Translate this page Tuchman, Barbara, geb. Wertheim, Barbara (New York 30 jan. 1912 Greenwich, Conn., 6 febr. 1989), Amerikaans journaliste en historica, studeerde aan http://nl.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1021552012/Tuchman_Barbara.html | |
14. Globale Opzoeking In De Catalogus Van Docu-Marx Translate this page TSEBENKO_M_D, TSIEN_TCHE-HAO,, TSIOLKOVSKI_C.,, TSJE_KIUN, TSJI_PING,, tuchman_barbara,, TUCHOLSKY_KURT,, TUCKER_ROBERT, TURF_JEF, TURINE_ROGER-PIERRE, http://www.marx.be/NL/Bib/requete1.php | |
15. SHOP PORTAL +++ TUCHMAN BARBARA Translate this page Tuchman Barbara Angebote im Shop Abteilung , Shop buecher.de. http://www.zitate-online.de/shop/suche/shop/0/-/325/-/1/Tuchman_Barbara.html | |
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