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         Tyler Anne:     more books (103)
  1. Back When We Were Grownups (Paragon Softcover Large Print Books) by Anne Tyler, 2002-07-01
  2. Back When We Were Grownups by Anne Tyler, 2002-07-01
  3. The Accidental Tourist: 1800 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms Library) by Anne Tyler, Jennifer Bassett, 2004-08-19
  4. Anne Tyler: A Bio-Bibliography (Bio-Bibliographies in American Literature) by Robert W. Croft, 1995-02-28
  5. Anne Tyler: A Critical Companion (Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers) by Paul Bail, 1998-10-30
  6. Back When We Were Grown Ups by Anne Tyler, 2002-04-01
  7. An Anne Tyler Companion by Robert W. Croft, 1998-02-28
  8. Anne Tyler: Four Complete Novels by Anne Tyler, 1990-08-12
  9. A Visit with Eudora Welty by Anne TYLER, 1980-01-01
  10. Art and the Accidental in Anne Tyler (Literary Frontiers Edition) by Joseph C. Voelker, 1989-11
  11. Die Romane Anne Tylers: Von der Moderne zur Postmoderne (Europaische Hochschulschriften) (German Edition) by Gabriele Strake-Behrendt, 1990
  12. The Accidental Tourist Ladder of Years by Anne Tyler, 2005-10-04
  13. Understanding Anne Tyler (Understanding Contemporary American Literature) by Alice Hall Petry, 1991-03
  14. Anne Tyler as Novelist

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El turista accidental / The Accidental Tourist (Narrativa (Punto de Lectura))
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An Anne Tyler Companion
Croft, Robert Wayne The volume begins with an introductory essay that overviews her life as a writer. The book then provides alphabetically arranged entires for her novels, short stories, and characters. Entries for novels are primarily critical. But because her short fiction is less available, entries for those works also provide extensive plot summaries. There are also numerous entries for the various themes and motifs that flavor her work, such as ´´Aging,´´ ´´Diaries,´´ ´´Games,´´ ´´Holidays,´´ ´´Radios.´´ Many EUR 83.95* Im Shop ansehen oder bestellen Zur Hauptkategorie des Angebotes ... CD: the Amateur Marriage (Uab) Tyler, Anne From the inimitable Anne Tyler comes a rich and compelling novel spanning three generations, about a mismatched marriageand its consequences. Unabridged. 6 ... EUR 50.95*

44. Detaljer: Tyler, Anne
URL, http// Beskrivelse, International forfatterbibliografi. Kategori, Kultur Litteratur Forfattere T. Nøgleord
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45. Tyler, Anne - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Tyler, Anne (Minneapolis, Minnesota 1941), scrittrice statunitense, considerata una delle voci più importanti della letteratura americana degli anni
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Tyler, Anne
Articolo Trova nell'articolo Anteprima di stampa Invia Multimedia 1 elemento Tyler, Anne (Minneapolis, Minnesota 1941), scrittrice statunitense, considerata una delle voci pi¹ importanti della letteratura americana degli anni Ottanta. I suoi romanzi e i racconti – ambientati perlopi¹ nelle aree rurali del North Carolina oppure a Baltimora – hanno come protagonisti personaggi della media borghesia, a volte eccentrici ma familiari, le cui vicende sono narrate con una vena malinconica non priva di humour, in un linguaggio che si arricchisce di sfumature dialettali o gergali. Sono personaggi con vite “sbagliate”, inadatti a vivere le situazioni e le circostanze in cui si trovano, ma cercano, a volte con successo, di modificarle e di costruirsi un destino differente. Tra le sue opere si ricordano Se mai verr  il mattino Ristorante Nostalgia Il turista involontario (1985, dal quale nel 1988 fu tratto il film

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Zu Ihrer Suche nach " tyler anne " wurde gefunden: 53 Angebote:
A Patchwork Planet
In this, her fourteenth noveland one of her most endearingAnne Tyler tells the story of a lovable loser who´s trying to get his life in order.
Barnaby Gaitlin has been in trouble ever since... weiter Produkt im Shop ansehen
EUR 9.83* A Slipping-Down Life Evie Decker is a shy, slightly plump teenager with a distant father and hours and hours of silence to fill. Then one night she hears local rock singer Drumstrings Casey on the radioand becomes... weiter Produkt im Shop ansehen
EUR 4.60*

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... Digging to America: A Novel
Anne Tyler
ISBN: 034549234X/Paperback
Publisher: Ballantine Books/2007-08-28
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... Digging to America Author: Anne Tyler ISBN: 0307263940/Hardcover Publisher: Knopf/2006-05-02 List Price: Read more Similar Books Customer Reviews Add to Wish List ... Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle) Author: Anne Tyler ISBN: 0449911594/Paperback Publisher: Ballantine Books/1996-08-27 List Price: "A book that should join those few that every literate person will have to read."THE BOSTON GLOBEPearl Tull is nearing the end of her life but not her memory. Ever since 1944 when her husband left her, she has raised her three very different c ... Read more Similar Books Customer Reviews Add to Wish List ... The Amateur Marriage: A Novel Author: Anne Tyler ISBN: 0345472454/Mass Market Paperback Publisher: Ballantine Books/2006-01-31 List Price: More Details Similar Books Customer Reviews Add to Wish List ... The Accidental Tourist: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle) Author: Anne Tyler ISBN: 0345452003/Paperback

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