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4. Tristan Tzara - MSN Encarta Tzara, Tristan (18961963), French essayist and poet, born in Romania, known primarily as the founder of the Dada movement (Dada). First in Zürich, http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572841/tzara_tristan.html | |
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15. Tzara Tristan Dada Into Surrealism 1959 - Download From Http://ubu.wfmu.org - Fi http//ubu.wfmu.org/sound/tzara_tristan/TzaraTristan_Dada-Into-Surrealism_1959.mp3. Source. http//ubu.wfmu.org. Rates. You can rate it http://www.filestube.com/b0f39959c19b6edb03ea/details.html | |
16. Tzara, Tristan http//uk.encarta.msn.com/related_761554397_32/tzara_tristan.html Title AuthorTristan Tzara Wikisource Summary AuthorTristan Tzara. From Wikisource. http://6go.biz/dwodp/index/Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Tzara,_Tristan/ | |
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18. Tzara Tristan - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Tzara Tristan (18961963), francuski pisarz pochodzenia rumu skiego. Uczestniczy w wojnie domowej w Hiszpanii (1936-1939) i francuskim ruchu http://portalwiedzy.onet.pl/4423,,,,tzara_tristan,haslo.html | |
19. Citations De Tristan Tzara - Ses 12 Citations - Dicocitations ⢠Translate this page Citations de Tristan Tzara. 12 citations de Tristan Tzara. Le meilleur des citations de Tristan Tzara issues de livres , ouvrages , paroles , discours et http://www.dicocitations.com/auteur/4430/Tzara_Tristan.php | |
20. Tzara Tristan - Wikiartpedia Translate this page Ricavato da http//www.wikiartpedia.org/index.php?title=tzara_tristan . Categories Stub. Views. Articolo; Discussione; Modifica; Cronologia http://www.wikiartpedia.org/index.php?title=Tzara_Tristan |
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