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21. Vitruvius â Infoplease.com vitruvius also included a section on human proportions. Because it is the only antique treatise on architecture to have survived, De architectura has been http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0851058.html | |
22. Vitruvius - Wikipedia Translate this page Marcus vitruvius Poll(i)o (± 85 20 v. Chr.) was een Romeins militair en architect. Hij is vooral bekend doordat hij de auteur is van een standaardwerk http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvius | |
23. S.S. Vitruvius The S.S. vitruvius was the second concrete ship built by McCloskey and Company in Tampa, Florida. She was launched in December of 1943 and used in the sugar http://www.concreteships.org/ships/ww2/vitruvius/ | |
24. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio - Wikipedie, OtevÅená Encyklopedie Marcus vitruvius Pollio (1. stol. p . n. l.), ímský architekt, inenýr a teoretik. Jeho narození je kladeno p iblin do let 80 a 70 p . http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Vitruvius_Pollio | |
25. The Golden Crown (Sources) The English translation is by Morris Hicky Morgan in vitruvius The Ten The Latin text is from vitruviuss De Architetura libri decem published by http://math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Crown/Vitruvius.html | |
26. Pollio Vitruvius - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Pollio Vitruvius Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Pollio vitruvius. Pollio vitruvius. Information about Pollio vitruvius in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Pollio Vitruvius | |
27. Vitruvius's Theories Of Beauty vitruvius s theories of proportion in relation to the body. http://www.bl.uk/learning/cult/bodies/vitruvius/proportion.html | |
28. Dead Reckonings » The Analemmas Of Vitruvius And Ptolemy In fact, vitruvius (ca. 50) and Ptolemy (ca. 150) provided mathematical and instrumental means of calculating the suns position for any hour, day, http://myreckonings.com/wordpress/2007/10/28/12/ | |
29. The Archimedes Project The name vitruvius Pollio was reported by the epitomist Faventinus, vitruvius began writing his famous work De architectura libri X, which he dedicated http://archimedes2.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/archimedes_templates/biography.html?-tabl |
30. Vitruvius â Wikipedia vitruvius kirjoitti kymmenosaisen arkkitehtuuria käsittelevän teoksen De architectura libri decem (n. 25 eaa.). Häntä pidetäänkin usein ensimmäisenä http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvius | |
31. Untitled Document Hello and welcome to the web site for my short computer animated film vitruvius Toybox . Click on one of the images to the left to learn more about the http://dennimi.home.mindspring.com/Vitruvius/index.html | |
32. Vitruvius - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts Shows how the aesthetic and perceptual ideals of Greek and Roman times were relayed by vitruvius and later by Alberti and others. http://mtcs.truman.edu/~thammond/history/Vitruvius.html | |
33. Vitruvius The Ten Books On Architecture - GardenVisit.com, The Garden Landscape A review of vitruvius The Ten Books on Architecture with regard to landscape architecture and garden design. http://www.gardenvisit.com/history_theory/garden_landscape_design_articles/lands | |
34. Vitruvius - Vicipaedia Marcus vitruvius Pollio (? 26 a.C.n.) Romanus architectus et scriptor Decem libri in Latina lingua http//www.thelatinlibrary.com/vitruvius.html http://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvius | |
35. VITRUVIUS - PORTAL DE ARQUITETURA Translate this page Portal de arquitetura com textos críticos, documentos históricos, resenhas, artigos em periódico mensal e entrevistas. http://www.vitruvius.com.br/ | |
36. Alpha Rho Chi The Vitruvius Chapter At Penn State APX is the national, coed, professional fraternity for architecture and the allied arts. Welcome to the house of the vitruvius chapter at PSU. http://www.greeks.psu.edu/ifc/arx/ |
37. Leonardo Da Vinci: Study Of Proportions from vitruvius s De Architectura Pen and ink 34.3 x 24.5 cm (13 1/2 x 9 5/8 in.) Accademia, Venice. See also. The Secret of the Vitruvian man http://www.artchive.com/artchive/L/leonardo/proports.jpg.html |
38. Vitruvius Sicav. Multi Portfolio And Multi Advisor Sicav Managed By Belgrave Cap Translate this page vitruvius is the Multi-portfolio and multi-manager Sicav, managed by Belgrave Capital Management, a London based Investment Manager which is part of the http://www.vitruviussicav.com/ |
39. ONTWERPSYSTEMEN EN VITRUVIUS TERMINOLOGIE. *) Translate this page Veel van onze kennis over klassieke bouwkunde komt uit vitruvius De Architectura, het enige volledig overgebleven architecten-geschrift . http://www.xs4all.nl/~mkosian/ontwerp.html | |
40. Vitruvius - The MIT Press A historical study of vitruvius s De architectura, showing that his purpose in writing the whole body of architecture was shaped by the imperial Roman http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=9092 |
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