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42. Edgar Wallace - Author Information, Books, And News Edgar Wallace Author Information, bibliography, news, and links. http://www.booksnbytes.com/authors/wallace_edgar.html | |
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44. Wallace, Edgar - MSN Encarta Translate this page Wallace, Edgar (1875-1932), écrivain et scénariste britannique, qui fut l auteur des premiers « thrillers » et du scénario du film King Kong. http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_741527375/Wallace_Edgar.html | |
45. Detaljer: Wallace, Edgar URL, http//www.bibliografi.dk/wallace_edgar.htm. Beskrivelse, International forfatterbibliografi. Kategori, Kultur Litteratur Forfattere W. Nøgleord http://www.webindeks.dk/detail/6555/wallace-edgar.html | |
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47. Wallace, Edgar; Bibliography By Subject ISBNDB.COM Books search engine taking data from hundreds of libraries. http://isbndb.com/d/person/wallace_edgar.html | |
48. Wallace, Edgar - MSN Encarta Winkler Prins Encyclopedie Translate this page Wallace, Edgar (voornamen voluit Richard Horatio Edgar) (Greenwich 1 april 1875 Hollywood 10 febr. 1932), Brits schrijver, was oa tweede http://nl.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_1021545628/Wallace_Edgar.html | |
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56. Shopdaily.com.au: Books: Wallace, Edgar The Feathered Serpent (Retro Reads). , The Keepers Of The King s Peace (A Sanders of the River Book). , Sanders Of The River. , Bosambo of the River http://www.shopdaily.com.au/index.php?c=Book&n=69681&x=Wallace_Edgar |
57. The World's Top W Websites http//www.bibliografi.dk/wallace_edgar.htm Wallace, Irving International forfatterbibliografi. http//www.bibliografi.dk/wallace_irving.htm Wallace, Lewis http://websbiggest.com/dir-wiki.cfm?cat=/Top/World/Dansk/Kultur/Litteratur/Forfa |
58. Wallace, Edgar Translate this page Englische Kriminalgeschichten / Detective Stories. (Detective Stories), Der schwarze Abt / Die seltsame Gräfin / Die toten Augen von London. http://www.einkaufen-im-www.de/buecher/krimis_und_thriller/autoren_a-z/v-z/walla | |
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