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         Wilder Thornton:     more books (101)
  1. Thornton Wilder: Collected Plays and Writings on Theater (Library of America) by Thornton Wilder, 2007-03-15
  2. American Characteristics: And Other Essays by Thornton Wilder, 2000-03-21
  3. The Skin of Our Teeth: Play in Three Acts (French's Standard Library Edition) by Thornton Wilder, 1944
  4. The Enthusiast: A Life of Thorton Wilder by Gilbert A. Harrison, 1986-06
  5. Thornton Wilder, An Intimate Portrait by Richard H. Goldstone, 1975-11
  6. Three Plays By Thornton Wilder; Our Town, the Skin of Our Teeth, the Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder, 1957
  7. Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interviews featuring E.M. Forster, Dorothy Parker, James Thurber, Thornton Wilder, William Faulkner, Frank O'Connor, Robert Penn Warren, Truman Capote, and others by Malcolm Cowley, 1969
  8. Thornton Wilder by Rex J. Burbank, 1978-04
  9. Thornton Wilder: the bright and the dark, (Twentieth-century American writers) by Mildred Christophe Kuner, 1972
  10. The Eight Day A Novel by Thornton Wilder, 1967
  11. Narration: Four Lectures by Gertrude Stein, 2010-05-01
  12. The Skin of Our Teeth: A Play (Perennial Classics) by Thornton Wilder, 2003-04-01
  13. The Journals of Thornton Wilder 1939-1961

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24. Wilder Thornton - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia
Wilder Thornton Niven (18971975), ameryka ski pisarz. Autor tzw. powie ci parabolicznych, zawieraj cych aspekty moralne i historiozoficzne, z,,,,wilder_thornton,haslo.html
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Dodaj do notesu Literatura, Ameryka Pó³nocna, Stany Zjednoczone, XIX i pocz±tek XX w., I wojna ¶wiatowa Wilder Thornton Niven (1897-1975), amerykañski pisarz. Autor tzw. powie¶ci parabolicznych, zawieraj±cych aspekty moralne i historiozoficzne, z nawi±zaniem do ró¿nych epok i krêgów cywilizacyjnych, pocz±wszy od staro¿ytnej Grecji i Rzymu, np.: Kaba³a (1926, wydanie polskie 1960), Most San Luis Rey (1927, wydanie polskie 1931), Kobieta z wyspy Andros (1930, wydanie polskie 1960), Idy marcowe (1948, wydanie polskie 1958). Tak¿e dramaty, Nasze miasto (1938, wystawienie polskie 1939), Niewiele brakowa³o (1942, wystawienie polskie 1956). Inne na ten temat: Micha³owski Janusz Rudzki Kazimierz Gielgud John wiêcej ... Strona do Druku Encyklopedia WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

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27. Wilder Thornton
Translate this page Thornton Wilder. Sie suchen Bücher von Thornton Wilder? Vorhandene Titel bei ANTIQUARIO An die Jugend An die Jugend. Dt. von Herberth E. Herkitschka.

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Bridge of San Luis Rey

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28. Wilder, Thornton - Carti Doar La
Wilder, Thornton. Titlul original The Ides of March Traduc tor Ivan Denes Coperta Done Stan Dac privim opera lui Wilder ca pe o încercare deliberat de
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29. Ziua A Opta - CARTI BELETRISTICA - 30,00 RON
Ziua a opta Thornton Niven Wilder (1897–1975), unul dintre marii clasici ai literaturii americane de secol
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de Wilder, Thornton
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Ziua a opta
Autor: Wilder, Thornton Editura: CURTEA VECHE Categoria: Carti Literatura universala Romane Status: Disponibil Pret: 30,00 RON Rating: /7 (0 voturi)
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In 1962 si 1963, Thornton Wilder si-a petrecut douazeci de luni departe de familie si prieteni, in oraselul Douglas din Arizona, la frontiera cu Mexicul, perioada in care a inceput sa lucreze la Ziua a opta, cartea care avea sa-i aduca prestigiosul National Book Award in 1968.
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30. Buch Portofrei & Günstig: Ex Libris: Taschenbuch (kartoniert) - Wir Sind Noch
Translate this page Buch Portofrei günstig Ex Libris Taschenbuch (kartoniert) - Wir sind noch einmal davongekommen - Thornton Wilder -
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Our Town: A Play in Three Acts (Perennial Classics)
Author: Thornton Wilder
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Category: Book ASIN: Publication Date: October 1, 2003 Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days Condition: An intact copy but not an more enlarge Bridge of San Luis Rey: A Novel Author: Thornton Wilder List Price: Buy New: You Save: New Used Collectible from $4.48

36. Wilder, Thornton - MSN Encarta
Translate this page Wilder, Thornton (1897-1975), auteur américain, dont les pièces et les romans, généralement inspirés d allégories et de mythes, ont su toucher un
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Article Rechercher dans tout le texte de l'article Afficher cet article au format imprimable Envoyer M©dias 1 ©l©ment Wilder, Thornton (1897-1975), auteur am©ricain, dont les pi¨ces et les romans, g©n©ralement inspir©s d'all©gories et de mythes, ont su toucher un public mondial, gr¢ce   des versions adapt©es. Wilder naquit le 17 avril 1897,   Madison, dans le Wisconsin, et fit ses ©tudes au Coll¨ge Oberlin et   l'universit© Yale. Tout en enseignant, il devint un romancier et un dramaturge   succ¨s. Dans un roman captivant, Le Pont du Roi Saint-Louis (1927), qui re§oit le prix Pulitzer de fiction en 1928, Wilder ©voque la vie de plusieurs voyageurs dans le P©rou colonial, que seul unit leur destin tragique, la catastrophe dans laquelle ils trouvent la mort. Son œuvre vari©e comprend aussi un roman ©pistolaire sur Jules C©sar, Les Ides de Mars The Eighth Day (1967), qui expose les ©v©nements pr©c©dant et suivant un meurtre, et pour lequel Wilder se vit d©cerner le National Book Award de 1968. Il publia ©galement un recueil de nouvelles

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39. Wilder Thornton - Résultats De La Recherche - MSN Encarta
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