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21. Don't Buy It . Advertising Tricks | PBS KIDS GO! Discover the secrets advertisers use to sell products. http://www.pbskids.org/dontbuyit/advertisingtricks/ | |
22. American Memory From The Library Of Congress - Browse By Category The Emergence of advertising in America 18501920. Broadsides and Printed Ephemera ~ ca. 1600-2000. An American Time Capsule Three Centuries of Broadsides http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/browse/ListSome.php?category=Advertising |
23. Stars And Stripes: Independent U.S. Military News From Iraq, Afghanistan And Bas We offer display, insert and classified advertising at open and contract rates, as well as advertising here on Stripes.com. http://www.stripes.com/webpages.asp?id=84 |
24. Advertising - Nanotechweb.org Our 2008 media pack includes all information on the advertising solutions and rates for NANOTECHNOLOGY and nanotechweb.org http://nanotechweb.org/cws/advertising | |
25. Astronomy.com - Advertising Representatives For Astronomy Astronomy.com, Astronomy Magazine, offers daily astronomy and space news, star charts, pictures of planets, space missions, eclipse and much more. http://www.astronomy.com/asy/default.aspx?c=ss&id=44 |
26. Travelport: Advertising With over 25 million unique monthly users visiting our domestic sites, advertising with Orbitz Worldwide is an opportunity to reach an extensive consumer http://www.travelport.com/en/solutions/business_and_enterprise/advertising.cfm | |
27. Advertising Resources :Communication Studies Resources: The University Of Iowa Annotated web links and information about advertising from University of Iowa. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/advertising.html | |
28. Delawareonline ¦ The News Journal ¦ Advertising Smart Solutions advertising. Select advertising that matches your audience Newspaper and Online advertising Customer Promise http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=ADVERTISING |
29. Corporate Counsel Center - Advertising FindLaw Corporate Counsel Center advertising, Media, and Communications Legal Resources for Corporate Counsel, Corporate Lawyers, In-House Counsel, http://corporate.findlaw.com/industry/advertising/index.html | |
30. Online Advertising - Microsoft Advertising Online advertising from MSN helps marketers build powerful brand and direct relationships with consumers. http://advertising.microsoft.com/ | |
31. News & Observer Publishing Company | Advertising Contact advertising Why the N O Company History. Product Spotlight Look for skirt!, our new women s magazine, in Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill and Durham. http://advertising.newsobserver.com/ | |
32. Gawker Media Gawker advertising advertising@gawker.com Consumerist Deadspin Defamer Fleshbot Gawker Gizmodo Gridskipper Idolator io9 Jalopnik http://gawker.com/advertising/ | |
33. Fort Collins Coloradaon Advertising Coloradoan advertising Resources and Special Projects. Ad E Book View the advertising recommendations/ requirements for the Fort Collins Coloradoan http://www.coloradoan.com/online/advertising/ | |
34. Home : Advertising @ NPG Welcome to advertising@npg your interactive resource for information on print and online advertising across the Nature Publishing Group family of journals http://advertising.nature.com/ | |
35. Emergence Of Advertising In America Covering the early history of advertising in the United States, and drawn from the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library at Duke http://library.duke.edu/digitalcollections/eaa/ | |
36. Advertising - Physics Today Japan advertising Communications Three Star Bldg., 310-3 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyodo-ku, Tokyo 101-0051 Japan +81(3)3261-4591 Tel +81(3)3261-6126 Fax http://www.physicstoday.org/adcenter.html | |
37. Advertising On The SpaceRef Network Of Sites advertising on SpaceRef. SpaceRef is a leading space news and reference We offer a variety of advertising opportunities for our network of sites and as http://www.spaceref.com/company/advertising.html | |
38. PopMatters | Advertising advertising with PopMatters is your opportunity to reach readers that are educated, traveled, curious, and perpetually engaged consumers of culture. http://www.popmatters.com/advertising.shtml | |
39. The Palm Beach Post - West Palm Beach, FL - Advertising Rates And Information Welcome to advertising Information for The Palm Beach Post Below you can find the rates for the variety of advertising opportunities available through http://www.palmbeachclassifieds.com/adinfo/ | |
40. Advertising: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati hugh cartoons drawn on the back of business cards macleod writes about marketing, advertising, microsoft and the wine trade. http://technorati.com/blogs/tag/advertising | |
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