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21. School Library Media Activities Monthly Author Illustrator almanacs Activities almanacs The Author and Illustrator Almanac is published in each issue of School Library Media Activities http://www.schoollibrarymedia.com/almanacs/index.html | |
22. Almanacs almanacs first appeared in France in the 16th century. Essentially apolitical, the traditional almanac evolved in the early days of the French Revolution, http://www.ohiou.edu/~chastain/ac/almanacs.htm | |
23. FBI: Potential Terrorist Use Of Almanacs Investigation has revealed that terrorist operatives may rely on almanacs to assist with target selection and preoperational planning. http://cryptome.org/fbi-almanacs.htm | |
24. 11. Calendars And Almanacs Special Collection The Schoyen Collection Calendars and almanacs, manuscripts,calendars,almanacs,medieval,runic calendar clogs,Scandinavian,English,favourable days,Feast days http://www.schoyencollection.com/calendars.htm | |
25. Gaming Industry Research Publications, Worldwide Gaming Almanacs, Bear Stearns G The Gaming Almanac products from Casino City Press serve as excellent reference tools for anyone interested in the worldwide and domestic gaming markets. http://www.casinocitypress.com/GamingAlmanac/ | |
26. Feng Shui Emporium: Books: Almanacs / Business Books Dr. Edgar Sung edits and translates the Classic Chinese Almanac each year to benefit students internationally. His hard work should not go unrecognized. http://www.luckycat.com/fengshui/books4.htm | |
27. Almanacs Content at Infoplease.com is derived from The TIME Almanac, with Information Please, The ESPN/Information Please Almanac, The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed, http://library.boisestate.edu/reference/almanacs.htm | |
28. Time, Tide, And Tonics: The Patent Medicine Almanac In America: Early Almanacs almanacs have been a part of American life since its very beginning. One of the first books printed in English America was an almanac. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/almanac/early.html | |
29. Pennsylvania County Almanacs Index An A to Z Listing of New Jersey County almanacs. Pennsylvania County Almanac Index. Welcome to the Pennsylvania County almanacs Index. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/WBZCFMsndymrnngklzmr/pennsylvania/pacounties.html | |
30. Historical Society Of Delaware - Almanacs Delaware almanacs listed alphabetically by title The Charleston Almanac and Register, Charleston Historical Commission of Charleston, South Carolina, http://www.hsd.org/Library_Almanacs.htm | |
31. CelesTrak: GPS Yuma Almanacs GPS Yuma almanacs. Latest Yuma Almanac Definition of a Yuma Almanac. GPS Yuma almanacs http://celestrak.com/GPS/almanac/Yuma/ | |
32. Llewellyn's On-line Bookstore: Calendars & Almanacs Llewellyn s Online Bookstore Calendars almanacs. http://www.llewellyn.com/bookstore/annuals.php | |
33. World War II American Air And Nautical Almanacs When Eckert arrived and war was looming, there was a pressing need for rapid production of accurate and readable air almanacs for use by American flying http://www.columbia.edu/acis/history/almanac.html | |
34. Fact Sources: Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Etc. They are the Web equivalents of encyclopedias, almanacs, and similar references. Encyclopedias almanacs World Records and Other Facts Facts for http://www.interleaves.org/~rteeter/facts.html | |
35. Almanacs Fast Facts almanacs/Fact Books/Statistical Reports and Related Reference Tools a great site with information about many different subjects, http://www.libraries.psu.edu/gateway/referenceshelf/alm.htm |
36. The Calendar - Primitive Almanacs The calendar, strictly speaking, refers to time in general almanac to only that portion of time which is comprehended in the annual revolution of the earth http://www.thebookofdays.com/misc/primitive_almanacs.htm | |
37. QuestionPoint Wiki / Almanacs, Encyclopedias And Fact Files Includes the Information Please Almanac, their Entertainment Almanac and Sports Almanac, the Columbia Encyclopedia, and the Random House College Dictionary, http://wiki.questionpoint.org/Almanacs, Encyclopedias and Fact Files | |
38. Kate Greenaway Collection - De Grummond Children's Literature Collection - Colle from the de Grummond Children s Literature Collection....... http://www.lib.usm.edu/~degrum/html/collectionhl/ch-greenaway.shtml | |
39. Almanacs Funk Wagnall s New Encyclopedia; The World Almanac and Book of Facts; The World Almanac of the US; The World Almanac of US Politics; The World Almanac for http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/search/resources/reference/almanacs.htm | |
40. GPS Satellite Almanacs And SEM Program By ARINC ARINC provides current GPS almanac and status files as well as historical data for the past month. http://www.arinc.com/gps/gpsstat.html | |
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