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61. U.S. Government Bookstore New And Popular Almanacs And The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is a prime source for authoritative almanacs and navigational publications, such as the Digital Nautical http://bookstore.gpo.gov/collections/almanacs-nav-pubs.jsp |
62. Almanacs, Encyclopedias, & Lists This APL QuickRef page includes links to almanacs, Encyclopedias, country studies, flags, national anthems, basic information about the 50 states, http://www.apl.org/quick/almanacs.html | |
63. Almanacs Definition, Prefix, Suffix, Ologies And Isms, Almanacs Information And almanagist a person who compiles almanacs. ephemeris an astronomical almanac giving, as an aid to the astronomer and navigator, the locations of celestial http://www.faqs.org/ologies-isms/A-Ath/Almanacs.html | |
64. Norfolk Public Library - Almanacs From the publishers of the paper version of Information Please Almanac, this site includes their Entertainment Almanac, Sports Almanac, the Columbia http://www.npl.lib.va.us/sites/almanacs.html | |
65. Almanacs: Virtual Visit: New York State Library Almanac covers. (Click on any of the images above, or throughout this exhibit, to see a larger URL http//www.nysl.nysed.gov/mssc/almanac/vvisalm1.htm. http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/mssc/almanac/vvisalm1.htm | |
66. Quick Reference: Encyclopedias & Almanacs Quick Reference Encyclopedias almanacs. Encyclopedias. Encyclopædia Britannica Online Encyclopedia of Science Technology (Access Science) http://library.samford.edu/refshelf/encyclopedia.html | |
67. Carnegie Mellon Libraries Almanacs, Dictionaries And Encyclopedias Carnegie Mellon Libraries almanacs, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias World Almanac (Carnegie Mellon users only); YourDictionary.com; Xreferplus. http://www.library.cmu.edu/Research/Genref/ency.html | |
68. Almanac - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia An almanac (also spelled almanack and almanach) is an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields often arranged http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almanac | |
69. The Original Farmer's Almanac Since 1792 - The Old Farmer's Almanac Has many of the same features of the print almanac including long range weather forecasts. http://www.almanac.com/ | |
70. Reed's Nautical Almanac - Tide Charts, Ocean Currents Maps, NOAA Weather Radio Reed s Nautical Almanac contains information for mariners including tide charts, maps of ocean currents, NOAA weather radio information and cruising http://www.reedsalmanac.com/ | |
71. Kids Almanac Online: State Facts And Figures, 50 States - SHG Resources Kids Almanac Online offersind statistics and facts related to the 50 states, its geography, climate and weather, elevation, land area, bordering states, http://www.shgresources.com/resources/almanac/ | |
72. Simon & Schuster: SimonSays : Browse Books - Juvenile Nonfiction - Reference - A A New York Times bestseller, The World Almanac for Kids has become a staple The World Almanac for Kids is the 1 bestselling kids almanac in the world http://www.simonsays.com/content/browse.cfm?tab=1&pid=516366,516351,370608 |
73. MeL: The Michigan ELibrary Browse and search the Information Please Almanac online. Old Farmer s Almanac More. The Farmer s Almanac online offers weather information, gardening, http://www.mel.org/SPT--BrowseResources.php?ParentId=477 |
74. Almanac - LoveToKnow 1911 ALMANAC, a book or table containing a calendar of the days, weeks and months of the year, a register of ecclesiastical festivals and saints days, http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Almanac | |
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