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21. Welcome To SAMBA - The Society For Ambulatory Anesthesia SAMBA is an organization of anesthesiologists, health care professionals and individuals from industry, interested in improving the care of patients http://www.sambahq.org/ |
22. Canadian Journal Of Anesthesia About the publication with current an archived issues available. International in perspective and scope. Abstract/Résumé appear in English and French. http://www.cja-jca.org/ | |
23. Austrian Anesthesia - Information Server austrian anesthesia der oesterreichische Informationsserver fuer Anaesthesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Schmerztherapie und Notfallmedizin. http://www.anesthesia.at/ | |
24. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Clinical Anesthesia, Volume 20, Issue 3, Pages 161-24 Opioid consumption in total intravenous anesthesia is reduced with dexmedetomidine a comparative study with remifentanil in gynecologic videolaparoscopic http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09528180 | |
25. Welcome To AnesthesiaWeb AND Douglas Coursin, M.D. reports on interesting anesthesia and Critical Care topics from the ASA and from the meeting of the American Society of Critical http://www.anesthesiaweb.com/ | |
26. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Home Page The most effective method of introducing new anesthesia equipment into the operating room has not been thoroughly investigated, despite recent and dramatic http://www.apsf.org/ | |
27. The Society For Pediatric Anesthesia SPA fosters quality in anesthesia and perioperative care, and to alleviate pain in children. http://www.pedsanesthesia.org/ | |
28. Anesthesia (2006) Directed by Adam Kargman. With Jack Eastland, Dorie Gray, Mandy Olsen. A woman s failed anesthetic during heart surgery leaves her fully conscious and able http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0810754/ | |
29. Department Of Anesthesia And Critical Care Massacusetts General Hospital, anesthesia and Critical Care, Etherdome, Pain Management. http://www.etherdome.org/ | |
30. Obstetric Anesthesia Digest - Home Provides summaries of the world literature in obstetric anesthesia. http://www.obstetricanesthesia.com/ | |
31. IARS The International anesthesia Research Society (IARS), owner and publisher of anesthesia ANALGESIA, is an apolitical notfor-profit medical society founded http://www.iars.org/ | |
32. IU Anesthesia The department consists of 60 staff and 78 resident anesthesiologists, up to 3 Pain Medicine and up to 5 Pediatric anesthesia fellows, 4 research staff, http://anesthesia.iu.edu/online/home/ | |
33. Anesthesia Nursing And Medicine Page anesthesia, Nursing, and Medicine Information for and about Nurse Anesthetists. http://www.anesthesia-nursing.com/ | |
34. SpringerLink Home - Main www.springerlink.com/openurl. asp?genre=journal issn=09138668 - gateway.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS MODE=ovid NEWS=n PAGE=toc D=ovft AN=00000539-000000 - Similar pages ASRA-American Society of Regional anesthesia and Pain MedicinePromotes and sponsors courses and workshops to disseminate information on the techniques of regional anesthesia. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0913-8668 |
35. Anesthesia Machine Simulation - Virtual Anesthesia Machine - VAM Simulation of anesthesia machines, medical processes and equipment on the web. http://vam.anest.ufl.edu/ | |
36. Department Of Anesthesia | University Of Pennsylvania Health System The Department of anesthesia at the University of Pennsylvania provides expert anesthesia care for the full spectrum of medical and surgical indications http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/dripps/ | |
37. University Of Manitoba U Of M - Medicine - Anesthesia anesthesia Grand Rounds Wednesday, May 28, 2008 745a.m. Vice Chair Medical Affairs Vice Chair anesthesia Research. Dr. R. Brown Associate Professor http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/medicine/anesthesia/ | |
38. The Society For Obstetric Anesthesia And Perinatology (SOAP) Provides a forum for discussion of problems in the peripartum period. The group is comprised of anesthesiologists, obstetricians, pediatricians and basic http://www.soap.org/ | |
39. Anesthesia And Analgesia About Pain relief during childbirth (Obstetric anesthesia) Brigham and Women s anesthesia Educational and Reference Resources from/via the Walter Reed http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/E03.html | |
40. Elsevier The Mission of the American Society of Regional anesthesia is to associate physicians and scientists who are engaged in regional anesthesia for surgery, http://www.rapm.org/ | |
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