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41. Under Anesthesia, Yet Aware - US News And World Report Mar 12, 2008 Brain monitors, while valuable, are no substitute for a skilled practitioner. http://www.usnews.com/articles/opinion/bhealy/2008/03/12/under-anesthesia-yet-aw | |
42. UCSF Department Of Anesthesia www.anesthesia.ucsf.edu/ 4k - Cached - Similar pages anesthesia - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online DictionaryDefinition of anesthesia from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.anesthesia.ucsf.edu/ |
43. Welcome To The New York School Of Regional Anesthesia (www.NYSORA.com) Featuring an overview of techniques and principles of regional anesthesia as taught and practiced at the Department of Anesthesiology at St. http://www.nysora.com/ |
44. Elsevier Now the Official Journal of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologists (EACTA), Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular anesthesia is http://www.jcardioanesthesia.com/ | |
45. The Complete Anesthesia Directory The anesthesia Directory is organized by category, offers rich and well designed Anesthesiology related web sites. Submit your Anesthesiology related http://www.anesthesiadirectory.com/ | |
46. Ophthalmic Anesthesia Society, OAS, Ophthalmic Surgical Procedures, Training And OAS helps ensure anesthesia care is provided to patients undergoing cataract and other ophthalmic surgical procedures. http://www.eyeanesthesia.org/ | |
47. Pediatric Anesthesia - Journal Information Devoted to the publication of information of interest and importance to practicing anesthetists everywhere, Pediatric anesthesia aims to be truly http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/pan/ | |
48. New Study Raises Questions On Anesthesia Monitoring System - Washingtonpost.com Imagine this You re lying on the operating table, apparently unconscious. The surgeon is cutting. But you re still awake. Not only that, you re paralyzed http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/13/AR2008031302047. | |
49. SEA Homepage SEA is a nonprofit educational organization for anesthesiology educators who desire to improve their skills in anesthesia education. http://www.seahq.org/ | |
50. Health Buzz: Anesthesia Awareness And Other Medical News - US News And World Rep Mar 13, 2008 Opinions Differ on anesthesia Awareness Device A new study concludes that brain monitoring technologies used during surgery do little, http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/2008/03/13/health-buzz-anesthesia-aware | |
51. The International Trauma Anesthesia And Critical Care Society Home Page An international notfor-profit scientific foundation and professional association active in over 40 countries with over 1000 members. http://www.itaccs.com/ | |
52. FAER.org FAER Board, Staff »; FAER Medical Student anesthesia Research Fellowship is Since 1986, the Foundation for anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) has http://www.faer.org/ | |
53. Anesthesia Awareness Registry: Home The anesthesia Awareness Registry seeks greater understanding about the causes of this problem. anesthesia Awareness Registry Anesthesiology Box 356540 http://depts.washington.edu/awaredb/ | |
54. NEJM -- Anesthesia Awareness And The Bispectral Index Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine anesthesia Awareness and the Bispectral Index. http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/short/358/11/1097 | |
55. Middle Tennessee School Of Anesthesia 28 month CRNA program located near Nashville built on strong Christian values. http://www.mtsa.edu/ | |
56. STA - The Society For Technology In Anesthesia The Society for Technology in anesthesia (STA) is an international organization of physicians, engineers, students and others with an interest in http://www.anestech.org/ |
57. Anesthesia Services, Anesthesia Management Services, Anesthesia Staffing, Premie Premier anesthesia is a national anesthesia practice management company solely focused on building and managing the best anesthesia teams in the industry. http://www.premieranesthesia.com/ | |
58. Anesthesia Analgesia An unmatched resource in the fields of anesthesia analgesia. http://www.ovid.com/site/catalog/Journal/509.jsp |
59. Anesthesia Awareness Monitor No Better Than Older Methods, Study Mar 13, 2008 A new study by researchers in the US suggests that a new brain monitoring device that is widely used to check that surgery patients form no http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/100592.php | |
60. Seminars In Cardiothoracic And Vascular Anesthesia For faster access to Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular anesthesia Online from these locations, use this URL http//intlscv.sagepub.com/ http://scv.sagepub.com/ | |
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