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1. Asteroid - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Encyclopedia article covers history, groups of asteroids, spectral types. Tables of largest and notable asteroids. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid | |
2. Asteroids Overview of current scientific knowledge of asteroids. http://www.nineplanets.org/asteroids.html | |
3. Asteroid Introduction asteroids are rocky and metallic objects that orbit the Sun but are too small to be considered planets. They are known as minor planets Explore the http://www.solarviews.com/eng/asteroid.htm | |
4. Asteroids Data from across NASA, compiled at the National Space Science Data Center. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/planets/asteroidpage.html | |
5. Asteroids asteroids are small bodies that are believed to be left over from the beginning of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago. They are rocky objects with round http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/our_solar_system/asteroids.html | |
6. Neave Games :: Asteroids And so, asteroids was born. It s an elegantly simple game, but beautifully gratifying. You float in space and shoot the asteroids, but the more you shoot, http://www.neave.com/games/asteroids/ | |
7. Asteroids Applet Shoot the asteroids while avoiding collisions with them. Occasionally a flying saucer will appear and attempt to shoot you down with guided missles. http://www.brainjar.com/java/games/asteroids/ |
8. Asteroids asteroids are rocky and metallic objects too small to be considered planets. They are sometimes called minor planets. They range in size from Ceres, http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr161/lect/asteroids/asteroids.html | |
9. Asteroids, Asteroid, Asteroid Belt At SPACE.com Space.com explains asteroids, asteroid, asteroid belt, asteroid impact, asteroids and comets. http://www.space.com/asteroids/ | |
10. Asteroids Videogame By Atari (1979) - The International Arcade Museum And The KL The asteroids coinoperated Videogame by Atari (circa 1979), is brought to you by The International Arcade Museum and the KLOV, as part of the Internet s http://www.klov.com/A/Asteroids.html | |
11. Asteroids: Zoom Astronomy Asteroid 253 Mathilde, a NearEarth Asteroid photographed by NASA s NEAR (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) mission in June 1997. Mathilde is about 60 km in http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/asteroids/ | |
12. Exploring The Planets - Asteroids Offers general scientific overview with history and images by the National Air and Space Museum. http://www.nasm.si.edu/etp/asteroids/ | |
13. Asteroids And Us Or blame the oneday scare from March, 1998, when headlines warned that a beefy asteroid could zoom within 30000 kilometers of Earth or even sledgehammer http://whyfiles.org/074asteroid/ | |
14. Asteroids Game Free online game Destroy the rocks before they destroy you! Use your triangle ship of doom! http://www.play.vg/games/4-Asteroids.html | |
15. ::guimp Asteroids:: World's Smallest Asteroids Game Smaller than a small fingernail, the world s smallest website measures only 18 by 18 pixels yet is packed full of fun projects including pong, pacman, http://www.guimp.com/asteroids_flash.html |
16. Asteroids.com: The Best Links To Asteroid Information asteroids are also called planetoids or minor planets. The word Asteroid is most commonly used in science to describe a group of relatively tiny celestial http://www.asteroids.com/ | |
17. Asteroids: Deadly Impact @ Nationalgeographic.com Have you checked your topsecret e-mail at the Department of Extraterrestrial Phenomena? The director needs you to nab the culprits menacing Mother Earth. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/asteroids/ | |
18. StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Asteroids Heavier materials settled in the middle of the asteroid, while lighter rock rose to the surface. The surface of Ceres consists of dark, carbonrich rock http://stardate.org/resources/ssguide/asteroids.html | |
19. Multiplayer Asteroids Game By Chris On Nonoba - Nonoba.com Multiplayer asteroids is a small space shooter where you are able to show your friends who s the boss! New in this version is the ability to create games! http://www.nonoba.com/chris/multiplayer-asteroids | |
20. AtariAge - Atari 2600 - Asteroids (Atari) asteroids Picture label. Game Profile Manual Scan icon 2600 asteroids was the first game to use bankswitching that doubled its ROM space. http://www.atariage.com/software_page.html?SoftwareLabelID=1007 |
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