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Atheism: more books (96) | |||||||||||||||
41. Beyond The Atheism-Religion Divide [Speaking Of Faith® From American Public Med He sees the old thinking in the new atheism of figures like Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. The either/or debates between religion and atheism, http://speakingoffaith.publicradio.org/programs/atheism-religion/index.shtml | |
42. EpistemeLinks: Website Results For Atheism General website search results for atheism including brief summaries, link resources, and more. Provided by EpistemeLinks. http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Topics.aspx?TopiCode=Athe |
43. Ebon Musings: The Atheism Pages Essays on atheism, theism, religion, freethought, humanism, and the freedom of life without superstition. http://www.ebonmusings.org/atheism/ | |
44. Atheism -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on atheism in general, the critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or spiritual beings. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9109479/atheism | |
45. The Chronicles Of Atheism | Christianity Today | A Magazine Of Evangelical Convi The Chronicles of atheism. When The Golden Compass hits theaters this month, many will be introduced to the works of Philip Pullman, a writer who detests http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/december/12.36.html | |
46. Assertive Atheism A collection of essays asserting atheism and reason and debunking religion. http://www.flamewarrior.com/ | |
47. Best Of Net Atheism - Rankings - All Sites A fresh new look at religion and atheism, Ask An Atheist offers new thought provoking, often humorous insights into the problems facing belief. http://www.atheist-top-sites.com/ |
48. Agnosticism/Atheism Quotes | Agnosticism/Atheism Quotations | Agnosticism/Atheis Agnosticism/atheism quotes part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. Find Agnosticism/atheism quotes and links to quotations http://www.wisdomquotes.com/cat_agnosticismatheism.html | |
49. Irregular Times: Further Than Atheism Weekly column exploring the landscape beyond simple rejection of gods. http://irregulartimes.com/further.html | |
50. De-conversion Four months ago, just a few weeks before I came out to my husband about my atheism, I decided to quit the church choir. I did not mind the weekly rehearsals http://de-conversion.com/ | |
51. Atheist Empire Guide to atheism fearturing great quotes, atheist statistics, message board, entertainment guides, atheist multimedia and downloads, videos, music, http://atheistempire.com/ | |
52. Atheism - How To Live Without God, Religion And Beliefs: Texts, Humor, Quotes An atheism is a way of humility. It s to think oneself to be an animal, as we are actually and to allow oneself to become human. http://atheisme.free.fr/Atheism.htm | |
53. Richard Dawkins: An Argument For Atheism : NPR Mar 7, 2008 Evolutionary biologist and Oxford professor Richard Dawkins sets out an argument for atheism in his book, The God Delusion. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=87949769 |
54. Atheism Central For Secondary School Students - Home Page Help with homework and support for atheist students, parents, and teachers attending secondary schools in the UK and worldwide. DETOX award February 1999. http://www.eclipse.co.uk/thoughts/ | |
55. [ No Assumptions ] The Atheism Fanlistin Welcome to No Assumptions, the only approved fanlisting for atheism. Last Updated January 12, 2008. Part of The Fanlistings A Papervixen.Net Production http://fans.papervixen.net/atheism/ | |
56. Agnosticism/Atheism Discussion board on atheism, agnosticism and related issues. http://forums.about.com/ab-atheism |
57. Atheism Sucks! We are students, activists, and independent thinkers who reject atheism. The purpose of this blog is to promote reason and intellectual responsibility; http://atheismsucks.blogspot.com/ | |
58. Frankfurt School: Theism And Atheism By Max Horkheimer The popular figure of atheism, metaphysical materialism, was too barren to become a serious threat to Christianity as long as it lacked a dialectical and http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/horkheimer/1963/theism-atheism.htm | |
59. Neo Atheism What is Neo atheism? · Presidential Election 2008 · Bible Discussion · United Nations · Global Warming · Purpose of Life? · Is Religion Harmful? http://www.neoatheism.com/ | |
60. The Psychology Of Atheism The title of this paper, The Psychology of atheism, may seem strange. Certainly, my psychological colleagues have found it odd and even, I might add, http://www.origins.org/articles/vitz_psychologyofatheism.html |
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