81. The Ayurvedic Center The Ayurvedic Center Ayurvedic Healthcare using Herbs, Nutrition, Holistic Healthcare, Alternative Healthcare, Creating, Coaching, Massage, Bodywork, http://www.holheal.com/ |
Discovering Your Ayurvedic Constitution Historical Uses of Ayurvedic Herbs The Creating Coach What's New at The Ayurvedic Center What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda has evolved as a self-care system by those who have accepted responsibility for their own health and want a proven model for health and longevity. It offers us an alternative to allowing imbalances to grow into life-threatening diseases and then resisting them with drugs and surgeries. Ayurveda is a holistic science of wellness based on creating harmony between two fundamental complementary forces, movement, observed in respiration, circulation, digestion, elimination and in the nervous system, and stability which provides the structure to support movement. Behind these two forces is the one energy which makes it all happen. Ayurveda works through keeping these forces in balance, which creates harmony with this natural rhythm found in all life. Harmony reflects itself in wellness just as all disease grows from an imbalance. All life forms contain a unique mix of these forces giving them their special character. Thus, because every individual is unique and indivisible, what is balancing for one person's body and temperment, may cause imbalances and disease in another. Ayurveda provides guidelines to determine your individual constitution and for your specific pathways for creating balance. You can begin to look at yourself through these principles by taking a self-test at this website to discover your Ayurvedic constitution. | |