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21. Jill Choate Antler Basketry - Index J. Choate basketry. PO Box 13329 Trapper Creek, AK 99683, (907) 7332859 email jill@jchoatebasketry.com Gallery I Gallery II Birch Bark Gallery http://www.jchoatebasketry.com/ | |
22. Judy Dominic Home Page connected sites; Community Quilt Connection, Inc. Midwest basketry Focus Ohio Valley Basketweavers Guild contact judy. judy dominic. fiber artist http://www.midwestbasketry.com/ | |
23. Los Angeles Basketry Guild Los Angeles basketry Guild. Our mission is the encouragement of the ancient skills of basketmaking in a traditional sense and in new ways to create vessels http://www.labasketryguild.org/ | |
24. !Penobscot Brown Ash Basketry Index.html Native American Artist Barbara D. Francis shows her Penobscot brown ash and sweetgrass baskets, in a variety of styles from the Curly weave to the porcupine http://www.penobie.com/ | |
25. Penawahpskiek Basketry The thumbnails below show just a few examples of splendid Penobscot basketry. Some baskets were even used to act as fish and eel traps. http://www.penobscotnation.org/museum/benewabskiegbasketry.htm | |
26. California Indian Baskets - CaliforniaBaskets.com - Indian Basket Marketplace - Buys, sells and appraises historic Native American baskets and artifacts. http://www.californiabaskets.com/ | |
27. Countryside Basketry - High Quality, Handcrafted Baskets Countryside basketry High quality, handcrafted baskets. Handmade baskets, handwoven baskets, woven baskets, wisconsin, dyed reed, handpainted baskets, http://www.countrysidebasketry.com/ | |
28. Pine Needle Baskets Basketry Teneriffe Coiled Coiling Raffia Basket Reed Pinenee Pine needle basketry instructions, photos, illustrations, and published materials for learning to make coiled baskets. http://pinebaskets.tripod.com/ | |
29. Basketry basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and http://www.scouting.org/boyscouts/advancementandawards/meritbadges/mb-BASK.aspx | |
30. Home email basketry@woh.rr.com Wooden bases, heart fretwork and wooden donuts O Brian Trawick 220 Boundary Dr. Spartanburg, SC 29303 (864) 9213523 http://www.bungalowebasics.com/ | |
31. Dead Sea Scrolls -- Basketry basketry and cordage represent major types of perishable finds retrieved in this arid part of Israel. The basketry fragments on display are made of date http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit/Community/basketry.html | |
32. Heritage Basketry Guild - Dayton, Ohio Application for membership in Heritage basketry Guild 2008 Heritage Class Proposal Form for HBG MARCH NEWSLETTER http://www.heritagebasketryguild.com/ | |
33. The Caning Shop - Gourd Crafting, Chair Caning, Basketry The Caning Shop for Gourd Crafting, Chair Caning, and basketry. Supplies, tools, how-to books, and fast, friendly service. http://www.caningshop.com/ | |
34. 2006 Smithsonian Folklife Festival: Carriers Of Culture They will learn about the interrelationship of basketry to other tribal cultural knowledge associated with ceremonies, language, stories, dance, song, http://www.folklife.si.edu/festival/2006/Basketry/index.html | |
35. Entwined With Life: Native American Basketry basketry ID Game John Putnam http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/baskets/ | |
36. Alaskan Native Basketry And Weavings By Teri Rofkar Alaska Native weaver Teri Rofkar features her Tlingit spruce root basketry, and Raven s tail wool weavings. Museum quality baskets, and robes, http://terirofkar.com/ | |
37. Basketry Merit Badge basketry Merit Badge Pamphlet, basketry Merit Badge Describe precautions you should take to safely use basketry tools and materials. Do the following http://usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/mb027.asp | |
38. Sweetgrass: History, Basketry, And Constraints To Industry Growth About 300 families are involved in sweetgrass basketry of which approximately 75% are fulltime basketmakers and 25% are part-time (Mary Jackson pers. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1993/V2-442.html | |
39. Welcome To The Georgia Basketry Association Homepage! The purpose of the Georgia basketry Association shall be to perpetuate the art of basketry, stimulate interest and knowledge in all phases of basketry, http://georgiabasketry.com/ | |
40. MFA Boston: Exhibition: Beyond Basketry: Japanese Bamboo Art Although woven bamboo containers have been used in Japan for thousands of years, it is only during the last century that basketry has emerged as a http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/sub.asp?key=15&subkey=2453 |
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