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41. BasketMakers Susi Nuss, Editor - An Informational Site About Basketry A comprehensive informational site for basketmakers, basket artists, vendors of basketmaking materials and all others interested in the art of http://basketmakers.com/ | |
42. Reed Basketry Supplies, Basket Weaving Supplies, Gourd Weaving, Basket Making Su Basket Weaving Supplies, Reed Chair Caning Seating supplies from The Country Seat, Inc. Shop for basketry supplies in our secure on-line catalog or http://www.countryseat.com/ | |
43. Black Ash Basketry Conference — May 16, 2008 « Turtle Talk Please join us on May 16th, 2008 for an important meeting which will focus on EAB in the morning sessions, and Black Ash basketry in the afternoon sessions. http://turtletalk.wordpress.com/2008/03/11/black-ash-basketry-conference-may-16- | |
44. Welcome To Appalachian Mountain Basketry Traditional splint basketweaving producing custom made gift baskets for that very special person. http://www.ambasketry.com/ | |
45. American Indian Pottery And Basketry Photographs Photographs of American Indian pottery and basketry. http://www.firstpeople.us/american-indian/pottery-and-basket-pictures-1.html | |
46. Round Hearth Base of operations for the 13th Stowe basketry PreFestival and the 17th overall All 29 Stowe basketry Festival Workshops are one or two day programs. http://www.roundhearth.com/program_detail.asp?progid=10 |
47. Pinelands Folk Music Center New basketry classes are scheduled this spring in our shop, too. A new addition to Pinelands Folk Music basketry is our very special candles, http://www.pinelandsfolkmusic.com/ | |
48. Northwest Basket Weavers - Vi Phillips Guild A program is planned around such subjects as basketry techniques and materials, It s open to members of our Guild and the Columbia Basin basketry Guild. http://www.nwbasketweavers.org/ | |
49. Woven Worlds: Basketry From The Clark Field Collection Woven Worlds basketry from the Clark Field Collection is on display March 11May 20, 2001 at The Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma. http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/2aa/2aa497.htm | |
50. Sanger Depot Museum - Indian Baskets This collection of basketry was started when Oscar Brehler, a pharmacist in Sanger, The basketry of the Yokut Indians of Central California included http://www.webcitypress.com/sanger/baskets.html | |
51. Basketry :: Uses -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on basketry, Uses Household basketry objects consist primarily of receptacles for preparing and serving food and http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-73958/basketry | |
52. Columbia Basin Basketry Guild Home Page The Columbia Basin basketry Guild serves the basket weaving community primarily in Oregon and Washington. The site contains information on guild membership, http://www.basketryguild.org/ | |
53. Southwestern Indian Basketry The basketmakers decided that a museum exhibition and a small basketry market would help expose more people to their work. http://www.sarweb.org/iarc/convocations/swbasketry.htm | |
54. Fishsticks Basketry School Contemporary basketry with unusual and natural materials, rich in technique, are an extension of her personal artistic directions. Judy teaches across the http://www.twigtwisters.com/ | |
55. Basketry - All Fiber Arts The About.com basketry Forum has also moved to a new home. Join them to discuss and ask all your basket making questions. http://www.allfiberarts.com/cs/baskets.htm | |
56. Basket Patterns - Basket Weaving Supplies - Basketry Classes - Baskets Of Joy Basket patterns, materials and weaving supplies, basket weaving instruction, basket classes, http://www.basketsofjoy.com/ | |
57. Pechanga Band Of Luiseno Indians - Basketry basketry, tukmalum, is one of the Pechanga tribe s most cherished skills. The magnificent quality of all Luiseño basketry, with exceedingly tight weaves and http://www.pechanga-nsn.gov/page?pageId=106 |
58. The Basketry Studio www.thebasketrystudio.com/ 18k - Cached - Similar pages ArtLex on Baskets and basketryThe bust head and shoulders sculpture defined with images of examples from throughout history, great quotations, and links to other resources. http://www.thebasketrystudio.com/ |
59. Contemporary Basketry By Nancy Moore Bess This site showcases the work of Nancy Moore Bess. Here you ll see unique, original handwoven baskets, woven sculpture and more. http://www.nancymoorebess.com/ | |
60. THE COLLECTORâS GUIDE: NATIVE AMERICAN BASKETS Tribal customs and artistic traditions dictated that basketry styles remained rather constant over time with little emphasis on experimentation or http://www.collectorsguide.com/fa/fa004.shtml | |
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