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1. Bee - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea, . A honey bee hive can contain up to 40000 bees at their annual peak, which occurs in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee | |
2. Bees Not only are the bees and many of their relatives pollinators of flowering plants, including fruits and vegetables, but thousands of species of small wasps http://www.greensmiths.com/bees.htm | |
3. Bees: Pictures, Information, Classification And More Information on bees Honey, Bumble, Killer, Carpenter bees, Honey, Beekeeping and others pictures, articles, classification and more. http://www.everythingabout.net/articles/biology/animals/arthropods/insects/bees/ | |
4. Bees - Salt Lake Tribune Salt Lake Tribune bees Baseball. Salt Lake bees Baseball BASEBALL Fouls a token of timing. Is there an art to catching a foul or home run ball, http://www.sltrib.com/bees | |
5. BFRL Office Of Applied Economics The bees (Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability) software bees measures the environmental performance of building products by using the http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/oae/software/bees.html |
6. Bees Easier bees are four-winged, flower-feeding insects. They have enlarged hind feet, branched or feathered body hairs, and generally a stinger. http://42explore.com/bees.htm | |
7. NOVA Online | Tales From The Hive Companion web site to the NOVA program. Includes a Quicktime clips of bee dancing and many facts about bees and the production of honey. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/bees/ | |
8. Mystery Bee Disappearances Sweeping U.S. Feb 23, 2007 Without a trace, something is causing bees to vanish by the thousands. But a new task force hopes to finger the culprit and save the http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/02/070223-bees.html | |
9. The Official Site Of The Salt Lake Bees Official website of the Salt Lake bees minor league baseball team of Salt Lake City, Utah. Includes news, roster, schedule, and ticket information. http://www.slbees.com/ | |
10. I Love Bees My site about bees. Welcome to I Love bees! This is my web page mostly dedicated to beekeeping. I have been beekeeping for seven years and Im still http://www.ilovebees.com/ | |
11. BEES bees. Have you ever looked at a bee ? If you ever spot a bee on a flower, why don t you carefully take a closer look? If you look carefully, http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/lang/lmc/1rdgdhtml.htm |
12. Natural Personal Care Products & Natural Skin Care Products - Burt's Bees Burt s bees offers natural personal care products, including truly natural skin care products, hair care products, soaps, lotions, natural baby products, http://www.burtsbees.com/ | |
13. Bees At EnchantedLearning.com bees are flying, social insects that live in a hive. Answer questions about bees using the Little Explorers picture dictionary. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/themes/bees.shtml | |
14. MySpace.com - The Bees - UK - Indie / Alternative / Rock - Www.myspace.com/thebe MySpace music profile for The bees with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more. http://www.myspace.com/thebeesofficial | |
15. Flickr: Bees' Photostream Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 415 416 Next . (7463 photos). Subscribe to a feed of stuff on this page Subscribe to bees photos Latest geoFeed KML http://www.flickr.com/photos/bees/ | |
16. Burlington Bees: Home Official website of the Burlington, Iowa bees minor league baseball team. http://www.gobees.com/ | |
17. Entomology - Africanized Bees In California History and impact, of socalled killer bees in California. Bee Sting research. Africanized bee research at University of California Riverside. http://bees.ucr.edu/ | |
18. : : Persephone's Bees : : Official site of the San Francisco pop band includes news, show dates, biography, MP3 and video downloads, picture gallery, articles, press kit, http://www.persephonesbees.com/ |
19. Main Honey Bee Research 3) Develop tools to better manage European Honey bees in Africanized habitats. 4) Evaluate problems in the pollination of agricultural crops. http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/tuscon/chbrc | |
20. Muzzle Of Bees | Music Blog Each Tuesday stop by Muzzle of bees for our recommended purchases for the week. Here is the album we suggest for the release date of March 18th http://www.muzzleofbees.com/ | |
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