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61. Rendezvous Ski Trails / Biathlon The Rendezvous Ski Trails are home to one of the largest biathlon training sites in the U.S., second only to the Soldier Hollow 2002 Olympic Venue in the http://www.rendezvousskitrails.com/biath.html | |
62. Devotees Say Biathlon Hits The Mark Democratandchronicle.com Devotees say biathlon hits the mark democratandchronicle.com Democrat and Chronicle. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080224/SPORTS01 |
63. Altius Handcrafted Firearms: Biathlon Work biathlon specialty shop offering a complete line of biathlon rifles, parts, accessories, and ammunition. Gunsmithing services are provided by an Anschutz http://www.altiusguns.com/services/biathlon.gunsmithing.html | |
64. The Waltonian Feb 27, 2008 biathlon is a combination of crosscountry skiing and target shooting. Competitors ski several laps around a track, stopping at intervals http://www.waltonian.com/news/2008/02/27/Sports/On.The.Sideline.Biathlon-3243100 | |
65. United States Olympic Committee - Biathlon Sprint competitions for men and women, starting at 1100 am CET on Saturday kick off the 2008 biathlon World Championships here. http://www.usoc.org/11434.htm | |
66. Biathlon: Blogs, Photos, Videos And More On Technorati Zum Saisonende geht unseren biathlonMännern die Puste aus! Beim vorletzten Weltcup Carsten Pump als 13. noch bester Deutscher. Foto dpa http://technorati.com/tag/biathlon | |
67. LAKE PLACID OLYMPIC REGION | Summer | Be A Biathlete (includes gun safety, intro to biathlon rifle, and 2 rounds target shooting); For further information, please call 518523-4436. * Vault Energy Meter http://www.orda.org/newsite/todo/summer/biathlete.php | |
68. CONSPIRACY ENTERTAINMENT : Garfield: Lasagna World Tour Recommended by biathlon stars Magdalena Neuner, Kati Wilhelm and Michael Greis, biathlon 2008 is the most exciting video game adaptation of the booming http://www.conspiracygames.com/products.php | |
69. Biathlon World Cup Results - International Herald Tribune biathlon World Cup Results. biathlon World Cup Results. The Associated Press. Published March 2, 2008. EMail Article. Listen to Article http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/03/02/sports/BIA-Biathlon-World-Cup-Results. | |
70. Downloads - Safari Biathlon Racer 1.17 Shareware Software Safari biathlon Racer 1.17. Download. filesize 87.97 MB. The game is a futuristic race with turbocars. More info and screen shots below. http://www.tucows.com/preview/300457 | |
71. Getting Started: Biathlon With the current interest in triathlons, many assume that biathlon is similar, but featuring only two events. Not so. Strictly speaking, that would be a http://www.adksportsfitness.com/december2004/articles/biathlon.html | |
72. Nyt 2007 Entry **March 30 *** March Madness biathlon **** Event Is Now Full, View Competitor Info View Entry List. **April 13 Enter Brooklyn biathlon View Competitor http://www.lin-mark.com/nytcinfo07.htm | |
73. Charleston Daily Mail - Sports - Ivan Tcherezov, Svetlana OSLO, Norway (AP) Ivan Tcherezov and Svetlana Sleptsova won pursuit races in the seasonending World Cup biathlon meet Saturday. http://www.dailymail.com/APHeadline/200803150192 | |
74. Biathlon Range The Olympic Sport of biathlon which combines skiing with shooting is now a year around activity at Soldier Hollow. In the winter, the Olympic biathlon http://www.soldierhollow.com/lodge_range.php | |
75. Welcome To Www.biathlete.org Includes general description of the sport, equipment summary, event calendar, training tips, photos, and related links. http://www.biathlete.org/ | |
76. Welcome To THREADS & TREADS! To Threads Treads I 95 exit 3. North on Arch St, crossing Greenwich Ave. Then left @ light on Mason to top. Left @ YMCA onto East Putnam. http://www.threadsandtreads.com/ | |
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