Once you have turned in your webquest questions, your pamphlet and have done your presentation, you will be evaluated on the following criteria: Ideas and Content Writing is clear and focused with ideas that are fresh and original. Relevant, quality details give important information that goes beyond the predictable. Every piece adds something to the whole. Ideas are reasonably clear, though may not be detailed, personalized, or expanded enough to show in-depth understanding or strong sense of purpose. Topic is not defined in a meaningful way. Information is limited, unclear and disconnected. Organization The order, structure and presentation of the information is compelling and moves the audience through the piece. An inviting intro, thoughtful transitions and a satisfying conclusion are all present. The organziational structure is strong enough to move the audience through the piece without undue confusion and includes an introduction, transitions and a conclusion that are adequate. Writing and presentation lack a clear sense of direction. There is no real lead, connections between ideas are confusing or missing, and there is no real conclusion to wrap things up. | |