Dig into the past About us Why use us? Press Contact us Topic: Caeneus Ads by Google Building A Mystery She blinked as she realized Caeneus had meant what he said about keeping them up here. Xena noticed Caeneus's fists were clenched, and she heard the bitterness in his voice. The light was dimmer now, and the shadows seemed to transform his face into what she could only define as softness... http://ausxip.com/fanfic/building1.html (8024 words) [No title] Like Caeneus , she had been retaliating against the anguish within herself. Xena marveled at how she could have failed to see this. Xena skipped a beat and said, "No, I didn't know." Flattery wasn't something the warrior had ever needed to resort to. http://ausxip.com/fanfiction/b/buildingamystery3.html (5652 words) Theseus Among the Lapith heroes were Polyphemus and Caeneus Polyphemus had sailed with the Argonaut, but was abandoned with Heracles in Mysia when he went in search of Heracles ' missing squire, Hylas. Caeneus had a son named Coronus , who would later be killed by Heracles http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/theseus.html | |