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41. Colds & Flus In Pregnancy Okay, so you re pregnant and you ve got a cold. Or if you re like me, you got a cold early on and kept it until after the baby was born. http://pregnancy.about.com/b/2008/03/15/colds-flus-in-pregnancy.htm | |
42. NO Time⢠For COLDS - Next Generation Cold Remedy No Time For colds offers relief of major cold symptoms in 24 hours, guaranteed! http://notimeforcolds.com/ | |
43. Happiness Helps Fight Off Colds - 28 July 2003 - New Scientist Squirting cold virus up the noses of volunteers reveals that people with more positive emotions are three times less likely to get sick. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3989-happiness-helps-fight-off-colds.html | |
44. Colds And The Flu, Student Health Services, CSULB colds and flu are caused by viruses. Flu is short for influenza. True flu is a virus that affects your upper respiratory and lower system your nose, http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/students2/shs/flu.htm | |
45. Colds And The Flu Differentiating between a cold and flu may be difficult. Cold symptoms are nearly always less severe than those of the flu. http://www.umm.edu/patiented/articles/how_colds_influenza_diagnosed_000094_2.htm | |
46. Curing Or Healing Colds And The Flu Definition 1 of flu is influenza which is a myxovirus whereas a cold is usually a rhinovirus. The flu has a fever and a cold has a lowgrade fever. http://www.phifoundation.org/flu.html | |
47. Colds And Other Health Information Find colds health articles and videos and other colds health topics. http://medicalnewstoday.healthology.com/colds/focusarea.htm | |
48. Overview, Common Cold, Health & Science Topics, NIAID, NIH Sneezing, scratchy throat, runny noseeveryone knows the first signs of a cold, probably the most common illness known. Although the common cold is usually http://www3.niaid.nih.gov/healthscience/healthtopics/colds/overview.htm | |
49. JAMA -- Coughs, Colds, And Antibiotics, May 28, 2003, Torpy Et Al. 289 (20): 275 The common cold, also known as an upper respiratory tract infection, occurs more than 1 billion times each year in the United States. http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/289/20/2750 | |
50. Cold, Flu And Sinus Learn about colds and flu symptoms, diagnosis and the differences. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/common/standard/transform.jsp?requestU |
51. Medical News: AAAAI: Wheezing Colds Predict Asthma In Young Children - In Meetin PHILADELPHIA, March 16 Most young children who develop rhinoviral wheezing infections go on to have asthma by age six, researchers said here. http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/AAAAIMeeting/tb1/8766 | |
52. Natural, Effective Remedies For Colds And Flu Put your immune system in topnotch form to fight colds and flu by employing a variety of natural methods for hastening recovery and easing symptoms, http://www.motherearthnews.com/Natural-Health/2007-12-07/Effective-Natural-Cold- | |
53. Colds & Flu 12 pg article, The natural way to treat prevent colds flu. http://www.lifeknox.com/colds.htm | |
54. Tylenol.com Treating Preventing Colds Try to avoid catching a cold during cold season. But in case you catch a cold, weve got tips for feeling better until the cold goes away. http://www.tylenol.com/page.jhtml?id=tylenol/cold/subftcolds.inc |
55. Acupuncture.Com - Conditions - Colds And Flu Index colds and Flu Index. 1) What Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Do For You 2) A Sneeze from the Breeze colds and Influenza according to Chinese Medicine http://www.acupuncture.com/conditions/index_flu.htm | |
56. 18 - Remedies For Colds At the first sign of a cold (sneezing, post nasal drip, cough) Take 3 echinachea caps,1 500 mg vitamin C, 1 odor free garlic tablet,1 zinc tablet, http://naturalcurereviews.com/remedy10-1-colds.html | |
57. COUGHS, COLDS, AND SINUS INFECTIONS Here is a guide to helping you understand coughs and colds. Does green nose mean a sinus infection? Is a fever cause for worry? http://www.askdrsears.com/html/8/t081000.asp |
58. Seasonal Support Helpful For Immune System (Seasonal) Although most colds are caught in the fall and winter, cold weather does not cause colds almost always begin with some form of throat irritation and http://www.progressivehealth.com/catalog/default.asp?category=24&mode= |
59. Colds Medicines Most cold medicines are not helpful. They can t remove dried mucus from the nose. Antihistamines are only helpful if your child also has nasal http://www.stlouischildrens.org/tabid/88/itemid/2173/Colds.aspx | |
60. Healthweek: Treating Colds | NECN (NECN) Dr. Ralph Metson, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist and author of healing Your Sinuses talks with us about how to treat colds, congestion and http://www.necn.com/Health/Healthweek--Treating-colds/1202056699.html | |
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