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81. Cold Remedies That Really Work.- Update - Share The Wealth Following three remedies from many, and how to administer them, will get rid of a cold/flu I and many of my acquaintances have tried these with great http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/chris/2003/11/20/cold_remedies_that_really_work_ | |
82. Common Cold - Pulmonologychannel The common cold is an acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses, etc). Read about prevention, treatment, and possible http://www.pulmonologychannel.com/cold/index.shtml | |
83. Common Cold/Sore Throat The common cold is an acute (shortterm) viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that may be spread through the air by , for example, sneezing, http://www.puritan.com/vf/healthnotes/hn_live/concern/common_cold.htm | |
84. Cold-treatment.com - Information And Treatment For Your Cold Everyone has had this sickness at least once or twice and probably several times the cold is the most common disease in the world. http://www.cold-treatment.com/ | |
85. Can Vitamin C Cure Your Cold? | Newsweek Fact Or Fiction | Newsweek.com Nov 15, 2007 When the sniffles strike, many of us reach for a glass of orange juice or a vitamin C supplement. But are they really effective? http://www.newsweek.com/id/70628 | |
86. The Common Cold In Children INTRODUCTION The common cold is the most common illness in the United States. Infants and children are affected more often and experience more prolonged http://patients.uptodate.com/topic.asp?file=c_health/6691 |
87. LiveScience.com: Life's Little Mysteries - Does Cold Weather Cause Colds? There is no conclusive evidence that cold temperature increases our chances of catching one of the 200plus viruses that cause the infection. http://www.livescience.com/mysteries/061212_cold_cold.html | |
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