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Dermatology: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||||
41. Dermatology - VeterinaryPartner.com - A VIN Company! Small animal veterinarians estimate that they see more patients for skin problems than any other concern, making dermatology a large part of their practice. http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=SRC&S=4&SourceID=61 |
42. The Society For Investigative Dermatology The society, annual meeting, journal, newsletter, referrals, educational programs, mentorship and resident services. http://www.sidnet.org/ | |
43. Department Of Dermatology, URMC The Department of dermatology at the University of Rochester was established in July of 1981. Eastman Kodak Company endowed the James H. Sterner Chair in http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/derm/ | |
44. Dermatology - Medscape Find dermatology Continuing Medical Education (CME), dermatology medical journal articles, MEDLINE, dermatology medical news, dermatology conference http://www.medscape.com/dermatology |
45. Www.skinema.com The Dermatology In The Cinema Web Site Welcome to www.skinema.com Home of the Skinnies Awards! Enjoy the show! Questions? Problems? Send us a Dmail Dr. Reese s office http://www.skinema.com/ | |
46. American Society Of Dermatology Includes general information, meeting tapes and videos, membership resources and forums, a newsletter and government issues. Sacramento, California. http://www.asd.org/ | |
47. Dermatology The mission of the Boston University Department of dermatology is to serve as a leader in teaching, research and patient care relevant to skin diseases. http://www.bumc.bu.edu/Dept/Home.aspx?DepartmentID=57 |
48. Dermatologychannel, Your Dermatology Community - Skin Care, Skin Disorders - Der Physiciandeveloped dermatology information and opportunities to connect with others about skin care, acne, dermatitis, skin cancer, psoriasis, http://www.dermatologychannel.net/ | |
49. Society For Pediatric Dermatology Home Page National organization dedicated to the research, education and promotion of skin conditions in all pediatric age groups. http://www.pedsderm.net/ | |
50. Dermatology Abstracts of articles published in this journal before 1998 can be found in the PubMed Database. dermatology (Since 1992) Dermatologica (Since 1965 1991) http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=BackIssues&ProduktNr=22 |
51. Dermatology Cases. Amyloidosis; Amyloidosis case presentation from dermatology On Line Diabetes Photoessay; Skin manifestations of diabetes. dermatology On Line. http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/2255/skin.html |
52. Dermatology Home Page The primary goal of the Brown Medical School Department of dermatology is to provide residents in training, and Brown Medical School students, http://bms.brown.edu/dermatology/ |
53. DNCB - Dermatology Nursing Certification Board dna.inurse.com/ Similar pages Internet Scientific PublicationsThe Internet Journal of dermatology TM 1531-3018 Professor of Internal Medicine and dermatology Chairman ad interim Department of dermatology http://dna.inurse.com/ |
54. Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA) Membership, workshop, conference and certification information, job postings and calendar of events. http://www.dnanurse.org/ | |
55. Elsevier The official monthly publication of the Academy. http://www.eblue.org/ | |
56. SUNYSB Dermatology Department Clinical care for dermatology patients is provided at the Tech Park Clinical site (631 4444200), as well as the Veterans Administration Medical Center at http://www.hsc.stonybrook.edu/som/dermatology/ | |
57. International Society Of Dermatology It is a pleasure for me as president of the International Society of dermatology (ISD) to welcome you. We invite you to better know our Society through this http://www.intsocderm.org/ | |
58. Dermatologist - LA Laser Center Dermatology - Acne Scars, Skin Cancer Dermatologists offering dermatology treatments including acne removal, Titan laser, microdermabrasion, sclerotherapy, mesotherapy, Mohs surgery for skin http://www.lalasercenter.com/ | |
59. Indian Journal Of Dermatology, Venereology And Leprology: Free Full Text Article Official bimonthly peerreviewed publication of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists. http://www.ijdvl.com/ | |
60. JHU Dermatology Information for physicians on patient care, education, research and for patients on specialty clinics, research and department news, Baltimore, Maryland. http://www.hopkinsdermatology.org/ | |
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