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21. Welcome To The National Economists Club New members can join online. National economists Club P.O. Box 19281 Washington, DC 20036 703493-8824 info@national-economists.org http://www.national-economists.org/ | |
22. The Society Of Labor Economists The Society of Labor economists 1155 East 60th Street, Room 252 Chicago, IL 606372745 U.S.A. Phone 773 256 6232 Fax 773 256 6132 http://client.norc.org/jole/SOLEweb/sole.htm | |
23. Economists With Web Pages - ArgMax.com Directory of over 1500 economists web pages with links. http://www.argmax.com/ewwp_search.php | |
24. Internet Resources For Economists This site, managed by John Kane of SUNYOswego, includes an extensive collection of links to economics resources on the internet. http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/econweb.htm | |
25. Society Of Government Economists A professional society for those involved in economics and public policy in Washington DC. http://www.sge-econ.org/ | |
26. Software For Economists (TM) I have tried to make it generally useful for economists. I favor crossplatform solutions, since I view the current near monopoly of the end-user operating http://www.american.edu/econ/notes/soft.htm | |
27. True Cost Economics Economists These economists are the leading visionaries in the charge to take down neoclassical economics. Youll find they provide sturdy shoulders to stand on. http://www.adbusters.org/metas/eco/truecosteconomics/economists.html |
28. Financial Economists Roundtable Homepage Annual meeting of selected finance economists provides list of statements and pronouncements from previous meetings. http://www.luc.edu/orgs/finroundtable/ | |
29. ACE -- Association Of Christian Economists The Association of Christian economists (ACE) has two purposes To promote interaction and communication among Christian economists. http://www.gordon.edu/ace/ | |
30. Economists' Papers Project At Duke University In an attempt to preserve the papers of modern economists, Duke University s Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library with assistance from http://library.duke.edu/specialcollections/collections/economists/ | |
31. Greg Mankiw's Blog: Economists With Attitude economists with Attitude. A video skit by two grad students at the University of Michigan. Advice for Aspiring economists Advice for Grad Students http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/2008/03/economists-with-attitude.html | |
32. Economists And Researchers | EPI EPI economists, researchers, and research associates. http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/economist | |
33. Economists Say Movie Violence Might Temper The Real Thing - New York Times Jan 7, 2008 A new study challenges conventional wisdom, suggesting that violent films prevent violent crime by attracting and keeping wouldbe http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/07/business/media/07violence.html | |
34. Jane Smiley: It's The Economists, Stupid! - Business On The Huffington Post It s the economists, Stupid! The Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-smiley/its-the-economists-stup_b_92006.html | |
35. Economists See U.S. Avoiding Recession - Stocks & Economy - MSNBC.com Mar 11, 2008 The US economy will suffer as the slumping housing market eats away at job creation and consumer spending, but the nation should avoid http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23572266/ | |
36. Directory Of International Economists As the need to communicate among us is increasing constantly, this directory is intended to provide a link between you and other international economists. http://www.roie.org/dir.htm | |
37. Economists Rethink Free Trade It s no wholesale repudiation, to be sure, but something momentous is happening as doubts begin to creep in. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_06/b4070032762393.htm | |
38. Think Progress » 70 Percent Of Economists Say U.S. In Recession. According to a new Wall Street Journal poll, 70 percent of economists surveyed say the United States has slid into recession. The evidence is now beyond http://thinkprogress.org/2008/03/14/70-percent-of-economists-say-us-in-recession | |
39. The Economists. He is part of a school of economists who associate their views to those of Friedman s. The school is known as the Chicago School of Monetary Economics, http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Philosophy/BiosEcon.htm | |
40. Economists: Only New Leadership Can Revive Zimbabwe's Collapsed Economy Mar 14, 2008 Zimbabwe used to be a breadbasket of Africa and was second most industrialized nation in Africa. http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-03-14-voa38.cfm | |
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