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21. South Carolina 4-H Youth Development Program Official Site. SC 4h Youth Development includes fun and educational information for kids, parents, volunteers about clubs, camps, projects, and more. http://www.clemson.edu/4h/ | |
22. California 4-H Youth Development Program Official Site. Californa 4h YDP resources, information, and links. http://clubs.ca4h.org/ | |
23. Cornell Cooperative Extension: New York State 4-H Youth Development In Genesee County, NY, the negative connotations of jury duty are changing for the positive thanks to the 4h Shadow Jury program. http://nys4h.cce.cornell.edu/ | |
24. 4-H Youth Development Involves youth in selfdetermined,hands-on learning activities such as workforce skills, citizenship, public speaking and other areas. http://www.maryland4h.org/ | |
25. South Dakota 4-H Contact 4h Programs/Events Calendar Forms, Documents, and Publications Youth Development Programs/Resources SD Operation Military Kids http://4h.sdstate.edu/ | |
26. LSU AgCenter . Louisiana 4-H, Where The Fun Never Ends Welcome to Louisiana 4h! 4-h is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. http://www.louisiana4h.org/ | |
27. Massachusetts 4-H Information for kids and tweens and teens, about 4h, camps, and how to volunteer. http://www.mass4h.org/ | |
28. Web Site - PA 4-H Home Learn about 4h in Pennsylvania. http://pa4h.cas.psu.edu/ |
29. Kentucky 4-H - News Kentucky 4h Youth Development 212 Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546 Phone 859-257-5961 Fax 859-257-7180. Comments or Questions? Click Here http://www.ca.uky.edu/Agcollege/4h/ | |
30. WSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program Washington State University provides details of projects, publications, and fundraising activities, with an events calendar and membership details. http://4h.wsu.edu/ | |
31. Michigan 4-H Children's Garden At MSU From Michigan State University. A place where plants, children, and imaginations come together. http://4hgarden.msu.edu/ | |
32. Tennessee 4-H Homepage Junior High 4h Academic Conference is June 10-13. *, Get ready for 4-h Electric Camp, Subscribe to Tennessee 4-h Ideas, a weekly 4-h newsletter. http://www.utextension.utk.edu/4H/ | |
33. Colorado 4-H Youth Development, Part Of CSU Cooperative Extension 4h began a century ago as an educational program for the nation s rural youth. Today, 4-h meets the needs of and engages young people in positive youth http://www.colorado4h.org/ | |
34. Kansas 4-H Youth Development Kansas 4h Youth Development web site - a department of K-State Research and Extension. http://www.kansas4h.org/ | |
35. Cornell Cooperative Extension: New York State 4-H Camps Contacts, list of camps, benefits of camping, and goals. http://www.4hcampsny.org/ | |
36. Utah 4H - Utah4h.org About 4h Volunteers Parents Events Registration Featured Programs 4-h Resource Library Promotions Funding http://utah4h.org/ | |
37. Florida 4-H - Making The Best Better! The Florida 4h Youth Development Program supports UF/IFAS extension outreach efforts to youth ages 5-18 in all of Florida s 67 counties. http://4h.ifas.ufl.edu/index1.htm | |
38. HOME - 4-H Afterschool Information on getting a program started in your area, resources, curriculum, and ways to become a trained personnel. http://www.4-hafterschool.org/ | |
39. Home Page All about 4h in Idaho. http://www.4h.uidaho.edu/ | |
40. New Page 1 4h Youth Development education creates supportive learning environments for youth and adults to reach their fullest potential as capable, competent, http://www.ext.nodak.edu/4h/ | |
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