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41. Home - Montana 4-H Includes state program, Foundation, and Center information; calendar, forum, and contact information. http://www.montana4h.org/ | |
42. National Collegiate 4-H A service organization on campuses comprised of college students who have an interest in the 4h ideals and in serving their community. http://www.collegiate4h.org/ | |
43. All About 4-H Youth Development Program From University Of Illinois Extension 4h is a national organization which helps young people develop knowledge and skills to become productive citizens. 4-h also helps youth to meet the http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/4H/whatis.html | |
44. New Jersey 4-H New Jersey State 4h. http://www.nj4h.rutgers.edu/ | |
45. 4-H Aerospace Aerospace curriculum and links to aerospace resources for 4h projects. http://www.aces.edu/dept/4Haero/ | |
46. 4-H Youth Development 4h and Positive Youth Develolpment, The Good Teen, Dr. Richard Lerner, Tufts University (watch Looking for something to do? Click to check out 4-h ! http://ag.udel.edu/4h/ | |
47. Alaska 4 H In Alaska 4h, we are celebrating our first Give a Gift to Alaska 4-h fundraising campaign. Help support the Alaska 4-h program s efforts in positive http://www.alaska.edu/uaf/ces/4h/ | |
48. 4-H Centennial 4h will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2002 and this site is dedicated to all of those individuals who have participated in 4-h over the years. http://www.4hcentennial.org/ | |
49. HOME - National 4-H Conference If you are interested in becoming a delegate to National 4h Conference, please contact your State or Land-Grant University 4-h Program Office for http://4hconf.4-h.org/ | |
50. 4-H Embryology And EGG Cam - UNL Extension In Lancaster County Embryology teaches students about science and respect for life. Students hatch chicks in the classroom and witness the exciting miracle of life. http://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/Embryology/ | |
51. UNH Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth - 4-H Youth Development The official website for New Hampshire 4h. Includes afterschool program, camps, volunteering, and community youth development information. http://extension.unh.edu/4H/4H.htm | |
52. National 4-H Shooting Sports Includes why 4h Shooting Sports exists, news, resources for instructors, events listings, pictures, newsletter, memorabilia, and local information. http://www.4-hshootingsports.org/ | |
53. National Association Of Extension 4-H Agents Provides education, conferences, and networking for youth development workers. Includes reports, events calendar, regional news, and membership details. http://www.nae4ha.org/ | |
54. 4H Rhode Island 4h is a youth development program of the Univeristy of Rhode Island s Cooperative Extension. http://www.uri.edu/coopext/4H/ | |
55. Oklahoma 4-H : Celebrating 100 Years. | Oklahoma 4-H Are you a former 4h er working in pharmaceutical research, environmental science, engineering, biological or chemical science, aerospace, technology, http://oklahoma4h.okstate.edu/ | |
56. 4-H Youth Development UW-Extension Presented by the Wisconsin State Technology Team. Includes project information, national 4h chat, and links to county 4-h web sites. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/4h/ | |
57. HOME - 4-H Volunteers: Your Online Home And Resource Center National 4h Council has received a two-year $500000 award from Monsanto Company to create hands-on training experiences for 4-h s 540000 volunteers. http://www.4hvolunteersusa.org/ | |
58. Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds - Hosts The Largest County Fair In Indiana Information on the Elkhart County 4h Fair and year-around events such as crafts shows, IPRA rodeo, concerts . Public camping available - travel rallies http://www.4hfair.org/ | |
59. 4-H Brand Network Find information on promoting the 4h brand. Includes a photo and graphics library, volunteer recruitment and promotion kits, templates, polls, calendars, http://www.4-hbrandnetwork.org/ | |
60. Michigan 4-H Foundation The Michigan 4h Foundation solicits, manages, grants and stewards support from private individuals, organizations, foundations and corporations to support http://www.mi4hfdtn.org/ | |
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