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4. Fashion Fads Most people want to have the latest and greatest. Many refer to it as keeping up with the Joneses. The backbone of this is the younger crowd. http://www.radessays.com/viewpaper/22909/Fashion_Fads.html | |
5. Fashion And Fads Fads and Fashions of the 1985. The year fanny packs, fidodidot shirts, fingerless gloves, jelly shoes, and gold chains were the in style. http://www.ainsworth1985.com/fashion_fads.htm |
6. Fashion Fads Essays about Fashion Fads. Fashion Fads (385 Words Approx. 2 Pages) Fashion Fads Attention Cravers Purple water splashed down into the drain as Mark http://www.exampleessays.com/essay_search/Fashion_Fads.html | |
7. Fashion And Fads In the 1920s, the nickname of the new females in American was flapper. Flappers were the exact opposite of the Gibson Girl, the ideal of femininity in http://www.olpillar.com/8_2007/1925_29/Fashion_Fads.htm | |
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