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81. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) Arthur C. Clarke, the legendary science fiction writer whose work inspired the classic Stanley Kubrick film 2001 A Space Odyssey, died early Wednesday at http://www.imdb.com/ | |
82. American Film Institute Dedicated to identifying and training the next generation of film makers. Guide to workshops and schedule of exhibitions. http://www.afi.com/ | |
83. Independent Film Channel, News, Schedule, Blogs Official site of the Independent Film Channel and home of Independent voices in culture, music, film, politics. http://www.ifc.com/ | |
84. The 48 Hour Film Project The 48 Hour Film Project invites filmmakers from around the world to produce a complete short movie in just two days. http://www.48hourfilm.com/ | |
85. Lucasfilm A history of Lucasfilm itself, with a compilation of frequentlyasked questions, a list of employment opportunities, and detailed information on the http://www.lucasfilm.com/ |
86. Palm Springs International Film Festival This is the official site of the Palm Springs International Film Festival. http://www.psfilmfest.org/ |
87. Pirelli Film Pirelli Film official site. If you want to view The Pirelli Film website You need the Adobe Flash Player 8 and javascript must be enabled http://www.pirellifilm.com/ | |
88. LIONSGATE This text is replaced by the Flash movie. (leave alone) http://www.lionsgate.com/ | |
89. The National Center For Jewish Film ::: Home Film library created to preserve the pictorial records of the Jewish experience. The collection includes features, documentaries, shorts, newsreels, http://www.jewishfilm.org/ | |
90. Koreanfilm.org - Movie Reviews, News, Actor Info And More From Korea Koreanfilm.org provides an overview of the movies, issues, people, and events that shape the film community in Korea. http://www.koreanfilm.org/ | |
91. Undergroundfilm.com - Independent Movie Distribution Undergroundfilm.com distributes independent film on the web. We are an open forum for nextgeneration filmmakers who want to give their film or screenplay http://www.undergroundfilm.org/ | |
92. Northeast Historic Film A nonprofit independent movingimage archive, collecting and preserving motion picture film and videotape relating to Maine and northern New England. http://www.oldfilm.org/ | |
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