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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. Of Poles and Zeros: Fundamentals of Digital Seismology (Modern Approaches in Geophysics) by F. Scherbaum, 2001-06-30
  2. Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment (University of Arizona Space Science Series) by Steven W. Bougher, Donald M. Hunten, et all 1997-12-01
  3. Advances in Nonlinear Dynamos (The Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics)
  4. Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling, Volume 78, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Roger A. Pielke Sr., 2001-12-13
  5. Fluid Dynamics and Dynamos in Astrophysics and Geophysics (The Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics)
  6. Chemistry and Physics of Stratospheric Ozone, Volume 74 (International Geophysics) by Andrew Dessler, 2000-07-10
  7. Treatise on Geophysics, 11-Volume Set
  8. Reservoir Geophysics (Investigations in Geophysics)
  9. Paleoclimatology, Volume 68, Second Edition: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary (International Geophysics) by Raymond S. Bradley, 1999-03-01
  10. Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics, Volume 93: An Introductory Text (International Geophysics) by John Marshall, R. Alan Plumb, 2007-12-20
  11. Earth System Science, Volume 72: From Biogeochemical Cycles to Global Changes (International Geophysics) by Michael Jacobson, Robert J. Charlson, et all 2000-03-29
  12. Magnetic Stratigraphy, Volume 64 (International Geophysics) by Meil D. Opdyke, James E.T. Channell, 1996-11-04
  13. Dictionary of Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy (Comprehensive Dictionary of Physics)
  14. Introduction to Geophysics: Mantle, Core and Crust by George D. Garland, 1979-03

61. Geophysics
Notice We no longer maintain the geophysics virtual library. If you are interested in taking over the geophysics virtual library, please contact the

62. Pggurp.html
NASA s Planetary Geology and geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP). Program description. Applications due February 15, 2008
NASA's Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP)
Program description
Applications due February 15, 2008
Undergraduates majoring in geology or related fields, who have not been previously selected for this program may apply. This includes class of 2008 graduates, if they have not yet enrolled in graduate school. Preference is given to U.S. citizens.
An 8-week summer internship program, in which qualified students get to work with a NASA-funded planetary scientist. NASA will cover the cost of the student's travel and housing, as well as provide a cost-of-living stipend ($250/week). Up to 15 students may be selected each summer. Care is taken to match the skills of the student with the needs of the NASA mentor.
Interships take place at the NASA-funded scientist's home institution. In the past, sites have included NASA Ames Research Facility, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the U.S.G.S. Astrogeology Branch in Flagstaff, Arizona, and many others.
The precise dates for the internship are determined between the NASA mentor and the student intern. We have found that 8 consecutive weeks is the ideal time to spend.

63. Introduction To Sydney Chapman
Dr. Sydney Chapman was Professor of geophysics and Advisory Scientific Director of the Geophysical Institute from 19511970. He spent three months of each
Keith B. Mather
Geophysical Institute
To the University of Alaska over a span of nearly twenty years, the presence of Sydney Chapman on campus meant a scholarly culture and supreme standard that in earlier days made its pointed mark and never ceased to exert a spell upon the Institute.

64. Oregon State University Online Catalog - Geophysics Option
Option geophysics Option. Print Version Print ^geophysics and Tectonics (4) GEO 487. Hydrogeology (4) OC 430. Principles of Physical Oceanography (4)

65. AG Home
Alpine geophysics, LLC is a nationwide environmental consulting firm offering highly specialized research and engineering services in the atmospheric,
Alpine Geophysics, LLC is a nationwide environmental consulting firm offering highly specialized research and engineering services in the atmospheric, hydrologic, and geophysical sciences. Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Denver, CO, the firm is managed by five (5) senior professionals. The Atmospheric Sciences Group (ASG) at Alpine offers extensive "hands-on" experience in a wide range of air quality services, particularly in the areas of emissions, meteorological, photochemical and particulate matter (PM) modeling. Alpine's ASG has an accumulated experience-base in excess of 30 years, which includes specialized expertise in:
  • Photochemical and PM/haze modeling; Mesoscale meteorological modeling; Emissions estimation, modeling and inventory development; Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) regulatory modeling and attainment demonstration analyses; Design and management of field monitoring programs in support of air quality modeling studies;

66. Geology And Geophysics Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows And Meetings
Geology and geophysics Conferences. AllConferences.Com Science Geology and geophysics. Advanced Search http//
Geology and Geophysics Conferences AllConferences.Com Science > Geology and Geophysics Advanced Search
Submit a Conference
Linking Information About Us See Also:


Past Events
Event AGU 2001 Fall Meeting Begins December 10, 2001 City San Francisco Country USA
Event 2002 AGU Fall Meeting Begins December 10, 2001 City San Francisco Country USA
Event AAPG Annual Meeting Begins June 3, 2001 City Denver Country USA
Event AGU 2001 Spring Meeting Begins May 29, 2001 City Boston Country USA
Event American Geophysical Union Begins May 28, 2001 City Boston Country USA
... Europe tours

67. Department Of Geology & Geophysics - Boston College
Research and educational programs in the Department of Geology and geophysics at Boston College focus on understanding the Earth s complex systems and on
@import url(''); @import url(''); @import url(''); var left_nav_url = "home.html"; left_nav_url = left_nav_url.slice(0, left_nav_url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); Contact
at boston college Research and educational programs in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Boston College focus on understanding the Earth's complex systems and on the evolution of the Earth over its billions of years of geologic history. Our academic programs cover a broad range of topics, including:
  • Coastal and Estuarine Processes
  • Earthquake and Exploration Seismology
  • Environmental Geology and Geophysics
  • Earth Surface Processes
  • Groundwater Hydrology
  • Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology and Geochemistry
  • Physical Sedimentation
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Structural Geology
Course Offerings
Course Offerings for the Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 semesters are now available on our course offerings webpage.
Student Colloquium
bc home
schools Updated: April 24, 2008

68. Geophysics At The University Of Tennessee
Geophysical Research in the Black Sea Region at the University of Tennessee Lambert and Mercator map projections in geology and geophysics
Geophysical Research in the Black Sea Region
at the University of Tennessee
This site contains links to
  • information about earthquakes, including East Tennessee earthquakes
  • publications available over the web, and
  • other odds-and-ends.

About the University
The University
Map of the Black Sea Region
Black Sea Research
Council of the National
Seismic System
National Weather Service
Southern Region
East Tennessee Weather Global Geoscience Transects
GGT20. Central Appalachians: Cratonic North America to the Atlantic Abyssal Plain

R. T. Williams, W. M. Dunne, and L. Glover III, International Geology Review , vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 711-738, 1999 Lambert and Mercator map projections in geology and geophysics R. T. Williams, Computers and Geosciences , vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 353-364, 1995 Theory and programs for the projections. Address comments or inquiries to Dr. Richard T. Williams

69. PAGEOPH Index
This index provides a way to search for articles published in Pure and Applied geophysics. It came online as a gopher index in December, 1994 and,
Welcome to the searchable index and bulletin board for
Pure and Applied Geophysics ( PAGEOPH )
at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Saint Louis University This index provides a way to search for articles published in Pure and Applied Geophysics. It came on-line as a gopher index in December, 1994 and, as far as we know, was the first such index for any professional journal. It was converted to html with CGI query capabilities, and transferred to the World-Wide Web in January, 1996. With it you can search for articles by author, by volume and issue, or by word string in the title of an article within a specified year range. You can currently search for articles published between January, 1981 and the present. In addition to finding articles with the index, you can access information on the philosophy of publishing and mechanics of publishing in PAGEOPH, a bulletin board with titles of new special issues and other announcements , a list of editors , and a list of all Special Topical Issues published since 1981. To use this form, simply type a string of characters in any of the search fields. An * (asterisk) may be used in place of any number of unknown characters, for example Sm* will find Smith and Smuthers. A ? (question mark) may be used in place of a single character, for example Sm?th. Searches are not sensitive to case. It is best to keep the search simple, e.g. list only

70. Welcome To Spectrum Geophysical Services And Utility Location
Spectrum geophysics specializes in subsurface characterization of industrial, military, and urban settings. Survey goals often include utility location and

Experienced Specialists in Geophysical Services and Underground Location
Spectrum Geophysics specializes in subsurface characterization of industrial, military, and urban settings. Survey goals often include utility location and mapping, boring and trench site investigations, lost UST/oil well searches, fault and rippability surveys, and terrain conductivity. Extensive method integration, cost-effective solutions, and excellent client communications are our hallmarks.
Spectrum’s experience is based on our human capital, namely the experience of the principals and our project managers. Nearly all of our project managers have been with Spectrum Geophysics more than six years and each has conducted a 1,000+ investigations. Our project managers are geophysicists and geologists who have mastered the art of utility location using 5 different types of utility-locating instruments as well as ground penetrating radar.
Quite simply, very few geophysical services companies have our extensive experience conducting shallow geophysical investigations. Over 300 engineering firms trust us. Let us prove the value of geophysics and our geophysical services to you.
Services Case Studies Company Info ... Contact Us This site was last updated on March 26, 2004.

71. Directory Of Open Access Journals
6 journals belonging to subject geophysics and Geomagnetism Publisher Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of

Computational geophysics. We support student research through the Departments of Earth Sciences and Physics. Our purpose is to foster multidisciplinary and
IGPP Home Page
IGPP Spotlights
IGPP Featured by the Magazine of UC Riverside
The successful prediction by UCR’s Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics of when Voyager 2 would exit the solar system is just one area of research taking place at one of the campus’ fastest-growing institutes.
In a particularly busy corner of UCR’s Pierce Hall, Haruichi Washimi and his team were in the prediction business. Their task: Calculate when and where the spacecraft Voyager 2 would exit our solar system. Their crystal ball: a complex computer model that digested so much information it could probably fill outer space.
Full story...

News Major DOE High-Performance Computing Grant Acquired Voyager 2 Spacecraft Will Reach Major Milestone in Space Hubble Spies Shells of Sparkling Stars around Quasar Conferences 3rd International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows 7th Annual International Astrophysics Conference - March 7-13, 2008 in Kauai, Hawaii

73. Schlumberger, Petrel Geophysics
Exploration geophysics Interpret regional 2D and 3D projects at your desktop. Request more information about Petrel geophysics and other Schlumberger

About Us
Investors Newsroom HSE ... Reservoir Challenges
You are here: Software Petrel
Petrel Geophysics

Click to enlarge Overlay seismic attributes on a seismic section to assist in correlation
Click to enlarge Visualize and manage large seismic surveys.
Click to enlarge Channel body extracted from high amplitudes
Click to enlarge The survey data manager enhances the user experience when working with 2D lines and provides additional functionality for sorting, naming, moving, and visualization.
Refresh page to view additional screenshots.
Schlumberger Information
Solutions (SIS)
  • Seismic Interpretation Visualize and interpret regional 2D and 3D seismic data manually or use advanced auto-tracking techniques. Interactively create attribute maps of horizons or intervals. Automated Structural Interpretation Spend your time understanding the trends of fault systems from these automatically extracted fault surfaces. Exploration Geophysics Interpret regional 2D and 3D projects at your desktop. Make use of high performance computing for improved regional understanding

74. Welcome To Environmental & Engineering Geophysical Society
Member resources and journals, as well as information about geophysical methods used for engineering and environmental assessment.
caption Photo Caption
Conducting an audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) survey in the southern San Pedro River basin in northern Sonora State, Mexico. This kind of survey allows geophysicists to acquire a shallow vertical sounding - a virtual image of earth conductivity - beneath the measurement station. Depth of penetration can be as much as a kilometer. In the background is the Sierra an José, a mountain never previously geologically mapped. This work is part of a two-nation study of the ground water that supplies the San Pedro National Riparian Conservation Area in southeastern Arizona. Water flow in the San Pedro River is critical to the continued viability of a major component of one of four major North American migratory bird fly-ways. =Jeff Wynn, USGS
EEGS Foundation

The EEGS Foundation is a 501(3)c charitable organization chartered to encourage the use of geophysical technologies meeting those needs of today and tomorrow.
Latest FastTIMES Issue Online

EEGS is pleased to electronically publish the March 2008 issue of FastTIMES , news for the near-surface geophysical sciences, Vol. 13, number 1.

75. SAO/NASA ADS Custom Query Form Thu May 29 00:32:30 2008
Enter Authors (Last, First M) Exact name matching Require author for selection ( OR AND simple logic). Publication Date between
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SAO/NASA ADS Physics Query Form for Thu May 29 00:32:30 2008
var adr = new Array( "adsabs" , "harvard" , "edu" ) ; var absadr = "" ; document.write(""); document.write("");
Sitemap What's New Feedback Preferences ... HELP
Hint: When you have a reference like ApJ 314, p. 159 and want to read the article, try Journal Query for articles that we have scanned.
Databases to query: Astronomy Physics arXiv e-prints Enter Authors : (Last, First M) Exact name matching Require author for selection ( OR AND simple logic Publication Date between and (MM) (YYYY) (MM) (YYYY) Enter Title Words Require title for selection (Combine with: OR AND simple logic boolean logic Enter Abstract Words /Keywords Require text for selection (Combine with: OR AND simple logic boolean logic Return items starting with number
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76. The Society Of Exploration Geophysicists
In 1956 the Society of Exploration Geophysicists began a program of encouraging the establishment of scholarship funds by companies and individuals engaged
Site Search: Entire Site Students' Information Only Advanced Search

77. Introduction Home
She asks for your advice concerning the possibility of using geophysical methods to detect the existence underground tunnels and voids beneath the

78. The Society Of Exploration Geophysicists
In most branches of exploration, the geophysicist often plays a leading role during the entire process; i.e., from planning/design of the fieldwork through
Site Search: Entire Site Students' Information Only Advanced Search

79. Welcome
Offer contract research, image processing and analysis, and field verification. Specialise in advanced hyperspectral remote sensing.
Welcome Quick Link to the HyMap Tutorial [ Home ] ACORN Data Acquisition and Processing Company Profile AIG News ... Research and Engineering Services Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August 10, 2005

80. Geosciences At UConn
skip to content. university seal University of Connecticut Geosciences HOME CONTACT US PEOPLE PROGRAMS. Select Your Page , UConn Home
@import(""); skip to content Geosciences Select Your Page UConn Home Geoscience Programs People News Alumni
  • Home People
    Welcome to the Center for Integrative Geosciences!
    Are you curious about the Earth?
    The mission of the new Center for Integrative Geosciences at UConn is to offer transdisciplinary programs of instruction and research that advance understanding of the interaction of biological, chemical, geological, and physical processes, including feedback mechanisms, at all spatial and temporal scales. It centers around the processes that have shaped the Earth through geologic time, continue to shape the environment today, and which provide the basis for understanding the present and future impact of human activity on the planet. What's Happening Now?

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