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61. Geophysics Notice We no longer maintain the geophysics virtual library. If you are interested in taking over the geophysics virtual library, please contact the http://www-crewes.geo.ucalgary.ca/VL-Geophysics.html |
62. Pggurp.html NASA s Planetary Geology and geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP). Program description. Applications due February 15, 2008 http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~tgregg/pggurp.html | |
63. Introduction To Sydney Chapman Dr. Sydney Chapman was Professor of geophysics and Advisory Scientific Director of the Geophysical Institute from 19511970. He spent three months of each http://www.gi.alaska.edu/chapman/intro.html | |
64. Oregon State University Online Catalog - Geophysics Option Option geophysics Option. Print Version Print ^geophysics and Tectonics (4) GEO 487. Hydrogeology (4) OC 430. Principles of Physical Oceanography (4) http://catalog.oregonstate.edu/OptionDetail.aspx?id=291 |
65. AG Home Alpine geophysics, LLC is a nationwide environmental consulting firm offering highly specialized research and engineering services in the atmospheric, http://www.alpinegeophysics.com/ | |
66. Geology And Geophysics Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows And Meetings Geology and geophysics Conferences. AllConferences.Com Science Geology and geophysics. Advanced Search http//cruises.affordabletours.com/ http://www.allconferences.com/Science/Geology_and_Geophysics/ | |
67. Department Of Geology & Geophysics - Boston College Research and educational programs in the Department of Geology and geophysics at Boston College focus on understanding the Earth s complex systems and on http://www.bc.edu/schools/cas/geo/ | |
68. Geophysics At The University Of Tennessee Geophysical Research in the Black Sea Region at the University of Tennessee Lambert and Mercator map projections in geology and geophysics http://tanasi.gg.utk.edu/ | |
69. PAGEOPH Index This index provides a way to search for articles published in Pure and Applied geophysics. It came online as a gopher index in December, 1994 and, http://www.eas.slu.edu/PAGEOPH/pageoph.html | |
70. Welcome To Spectrum Geophysical Services And Utility Location Spectrum geophysics specializes in subsurface characterization of industrial, military, and urban settings. Survey goals often include utility location and http://www.spectrum-geophysics.com/ | |
71. Directory Of Open Access Journals 6 journals belonging to subject geophysics and Geomagnetism Publisher Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=subject&cpid=85 |
72. IGPP At UCR Computational geophysics. We support student research through the Departments of Earth Sciences and Physics. Our purpose is to foster multidisciplinary and http://www.igpp.ucr.edu/ | |
73. Schlumberger, Petrel Geophysics Exploration geophysics Interpret regional 2D and 3D projects at your desktop. Request more information about Petrel geophysics and other Schlumberger http://www.slb.com/content/services/software/geo/petrel/seismic.asp | |
74. Welcome To Environmental & Engineering Geophysical Society Member resources and journals, as well as information about geophysical methods used for engineering and environmental assessment. http://www.eegs.org/ | |
75. SAO/NASA ADS Custom Query Form Thu May 29 00:32:30 2008 Enter Authors (Last, First M) Exact name matching Require author for selection ( OR AND simple logic). Publication Date between http://adsabs.harvard.edu/physics_service.html | |
76. The Society Of Exploration Geophysicists In 1956 the Society of Exploration Geophysicists began a program of encouraging the establishment of scholarship funds by companies and individuals engaged http://foundation.seg.org/scholarships/ | |
77. Introduction Home She asks for your advice concerning the possibility of using geophysical methods to detect the existence underground tunnels and voids beneath the http://galitzin.mines.edu/INTROGP/ |
78. The Society Of Exploration Geophysicists In most branches of exploration, the geophysicist often plays a leading role during the entire process; i.e., from planning/design of the fieldwork through http://students.seg.org/careers/TLE/TLE1998June.html | |
79. Welcome Offer contract research, image processing and analysis, and field verification. Specialise in advanced hyperspectral remote sensing. http://www.aigllc.com/ | |
80. Geosciences At UConn skip to content. university seal University of Connecticut Geosciences HOME CONTACT US PEOPLE PROGRAMS. Select Your Page , UConn Home http://earth.uconn.edu/ | |
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