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41. Halitosis Information AGD halitosis Site by the Academy of General Dentistry provides University of Maryland medical center provides information on halitosis (bad breath) http://www.unixl.com/dir/health_sciences/health_facts/halitosis/ | |
42. Help For Halitosis? Help for halitosis? Can you suggest any natural remedies for bad breath? A. Answer (Published 5/21/2007). The usual cause of bad breath is bacteria growing http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/QAA400211 | |
43. Halitosis — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress andgodmadelight wrote 1 month ago President Bush delivers his State of the Union address Bush has halitosis. And, according to sources familiar with http://wordpress.com/tag/halitosis/ | |
44. DR. Herskovits D.D.S., "Bad Breath, Halitosis, Stop Smoking, Cosmetic Dentistry" Do you want to STOP SMOKING? Check out our Quit for Life Site! Home halitosis Oxyfresh OxyAir Stop Smoking Email halitosis http://www.halitosisdoctor.com/ | |
45. Halitosis - Mahalo Disclaimer The content in this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you have halitosis, please consult your doctor. http://www.mahalo.com/Halitosis | |
46. Mind-Mart.com » Blog Archive » Halitosis - Causes And Cures Pt. 3 There s a huge choice of natural products that can help with halitosis. As mentioned, parsley is an excellent choice because it has the highest amount of http://www.mind-mart.com/oral-hygiene/halitosis-causes-and-cures-pt-3 | |
47. Bad Breath (Halitosis) | AHealthyMe.com Bad breath, also known as halitosis, may go far beyond a tinge of garlic or onions. Like other types of body odor (the aroma of sweaty feet, for instance), http://www.ahealthyme.com/topic/badbreath | |
48. Bay Area Breath Clinic: Bad Breath, Halitosis, & Bad Breath Cures Bay Area Breath Clinic of Tampa Bay eliminates halitosis, common bad breath and malodor. Our breath solution for halitosis cures bad breath in as little as http://www.breathsolutions.com/ | |
49. Halitosis halitosis can be caused by aa variety of factors and conditions, some of which are behaviors that can be avoided to reduce bad breath. http://www.lycos.com/info/halitosis.html | |
50. Halitosis (Bad Breath) - VeterinaryPartner.com - A VIN Company! halitosis, also called bad breath, is as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Bad breath is a common presenting pet odor complaint. http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=129&S=1&SourceID=13 |
51. BAD BREATH- HALITOSI Outline defines the condition, describes probable causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. http://pedclerk.bsd.uchicago.edu/BADBREATH.html | |
52. Howstuffworks Videos "What Causes Halitosis (Bad Breath)?" Watch this video about halitosis on HowStuffWorks. halitosis is the medical term for bad breath, and is caused mainly by rotting food in your teeth. http://videos.howstuffworks.com/american-dental-association/2298-what-causes-hal | |
53. Diversity Of Bacterial Populations On The Tongue Dorsa Of Patients With Halitosi The primary purpose of the present study was to compare the microbial profiles of the tongue dorsa of healthy subjects and subjects with halitosis by using http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=149706 |
54. Mousetrap Technology - Times Online - WBLG: Halitosis-detecting Phone All you do is hold the handset up to your mouth, blow briefly on a sensor at one end, and in ten seconds it rates your halitosis on a scale of one to ten http://timesonline.typepad.com/technology/2008/02/halitosis-detec.html | |
55. Good Oral Care - Best Weapon For Routine Halitosis | The News Is NowPublic.com Mar 2, 2008 This term might describe a friend of a friend who claimed that a person s facial bone structure determined halitosis! http://www.nowpublic.com/health/good-oral-care-best-weapon-routine-halitosis | |
56. Halitosis Detector Saves The Day » Coolest Gadgets halitosis Detector saves the day on Coolest Gadgets. http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20080206/halitosis-detector-saves-the-day/ | |
57. The Father Of Halitosis - TIME ALL OUT OF STEP (316 pp.)Gerard B. LambertDoubleday ($4.50).The venerable employee of the Lambert Pharmacal Co., makers of Listerine, opened his book of http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,824696,00.html | |
58. Halitosis Definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta Search for halitosis in all of MSN Encarta. Email this entry Blog about this entry on MSN Spaces Download the MSN Encarta Right-Click Dictionary http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/Halitosis.html | |
59. Keep Halitosis Away : Published At CarolinaNewswire.com - Stay On Top Of The Day Sep 27, 2006 halitosis, commonly referred to as bad breath, is a problem that, for many people, arises only after eating certain foods or after sleeping. http://carolinanewswire.com/news/News.cgi?database=columns.db&command=viewone&id |
60. Elsevier Article Locator Psychological condition of patients complaining of halitosis The degree of halitosis was estimated by the organoleptic test. http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0300571200000579 | |
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