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41. Nepal Leprosy Trust www.nlt.org.uk/ 3k - New U.S. Reported Hansen s Disease (leprosy) Cases by Year, 1976-2005. printer-friendly New U.S. Reported Hansen s Disease (leprosy) Cases by Year, http://www.nlt.org.uk/ |
42. Leprosy - Treatment Multidrug therapy (MDT) is the cornerstone of the leprosy elimination strategy as it cures patients, reduces the reservoir of infection and thereby http://www.searo.who.int/en/Section10/Section20/Section57_9882.htm | |
43. The Leprosy Mission Not only was Eddie one of the UK s bestselling Christian writers, he spent most of his working life with The leprosy Mission. more http://www.tlmtrading.com/ | |
44. Infolep - Infolep Leprosy Information Serives Homepage Welcome, to the INFOLEP leprosy Information Services Website. find information resources on leprosy related subjects; http://www.infolep.org/ | |
45. The Corner On National Review Online Feb 8, 2008 Regarding that leprosy story David linked to below Last year Lou Dobbs was attacked for having on his show a medical lawyer who asserted http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MjY3ZTczNDkwNmZjODAxODc0MjY5NDNmYjYxNGF |
46. Leprosy Symptoms | Africa Skin Disease | Africa Infections leprosy mission is dedicated to the treatment of leprosy causes, infection and thus constantly giving out cures to infected people with leprosy symptoms in http://www.leprosymission.co.za/ | |
47. American Leprosy Foundation The American leprosy Foundation (ALF) / Leonard Wood Memorial (LWM) is a nonprofit research center for leprosy and other biomedical research located in http://www.erols.com/lwm-alf |
48. Leprosy Fact Sheet leprosy is a bacterial disease of the skin and nerves, which can progress to involve internal organs if it is not treated. In some forms of leprosy, http://edcp.org/factsheets/leprosy.html |
49. Orcinus In addition to writing about the prevalence of leprosy, Cosman, He later added, And the fact that it the number of leprosy cases rose was because http://dneiwert.blogspot.com/2007/05/lou-dobbs-making-up-racist-shit.html | |
50. Leprosy. leprosy affects over 10 million people in the world. The disease is a model of graded cellmediated immunity, in this case to the causative organism, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=358054 |
51. Corticosteroids For Treating Nerve Damage In Leprosy Van Veen NHJ, Nicholls PG, Smith WCS, Richardus JH. Corticosteroids for treating nerve damage in leprosy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, http://www.cochrane.org/reviews/en/ab005491.html | |
52. Leprosy leprosy is a bacterial disease of the skin and nervous system. http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/955138710.html | |
53. Infections & NM Disease Poor housing sanitation; Overcrowding; Higher risk with contact with multibacillary leprosy 4x; 75% develop disease in first year http://neuromuscular.wustl.edu/nother/infect.htm | |
54. Home ~ The Leprosy Mission Scotland Online Welcome to The leprosy Mission Scotland s Website. The leprosy Mission (TLM) is an international Christian charity. Working in nearly 30 countries across http://www.tlmscotland.org.uk/ | |
55. PLoS Medicine - The Global Campaign To Eliminate Leprosy Although leprosy is no longer a health problem in developed countries, it continues to affect millions of people in large parts of Asia, Africa, http://medicine.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/jour |
56. Imported Leprosy In The United States, 1978 Through 1988: An Epidemic Without Se leprosy remains a major health problem in many regions of the world. In the United States, although leprosy continues to be reported, approximately 90% of http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/abstract/82/8/1127 | |
57. Hot Topic: Leprosy (State Library Of Queensland) A chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, leprosy has afflicted human beings since ancient times. http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/find/hottopics/archive/leprosy | |
58. St. Francis Leprosy Guild - Welcome St. Francis leprosy Guild Helping sufferers throughout the world. We are a registered charity raising funds mainly from donations and legacies, http://www.stfrancisleprosy.org/ | |
59. Leprosy: Symptoms, Cause, Treatments, Risks, Complications, What Is It, Cure, St leprosy symptoms, cause, treatments, risks, complications, what is it, cure, statistics. http://www.mamashealth.com/infect/leprosy.asp | |
60. Hansen's Disease - 2 Hansen s Disease (leprosy) Lepromatous form Information on the World Health Organization Action Programme for the Elimination of leprosy http://tray.dermatology.uiowa.edu/Hansen02.htm | |
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