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41. Denny Waxman - Macrobiotic Counselor Denny Waxman is an internationally recognized teacher, counselor, and writer on health, natural healing and macrobiotics. http://www.dennywaxman.com/ | |
42. Weblife.org: Library: Food: Macrobiotics macrobiotics is an all encompassing philosophy of living that uses diet as a primary focus. The macrobiotic understanding has its roots in Oriental http://weblife.org/macrobiotics.html | |
43. Vitamin B12: Are You Getting It? : B12 Status: Macrobiotics Summary Many macrobiotics who do not supplement their diets with B12 are found to be deficient. There is growth retardation in some macrobiotic children http://www.veganhealth.org/b12/mac | |
44. Diet Review: Macrobiotics - Choose A Diet - Revolution Health More of a movement than merely a diet, macrobiotics is all about being close to the natural world in the way you eat and the way you live. http://www.revolutionhealth.com/healthy-living/weight-management/choose-diet/mac | |
45. Detailed Information On Macrobiotics From MedicineWorld.Org Comprehensive information on macrobiotics. Your gateway to medical informatin. Information for patients, resources for physicians. http://medicineworld.org/alternative/macrobiotics.html | |
46. Macrobiotics Caremark Health Resources macrobiotics is a belief system developed by the Japanese philosopher George Ohsawa in the 1930s. It s based primarily on the ancient Chinese principle that http://healthresources.caremark.com/topic/macrobiotics |
47. Macrobiotics As Alternative Treatment: Macrobiotics Medicine Complimentary Alter macrobiotics medicine complimentary alternative medicine. macrobiotics diet health weight loss. http://www.altmedicine.org/macrobiotics-treatment.htm | |
48. Macrobiotics - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Macrobiotics Hutchinson encyclopedia article about macrobiotics. macrobiotics. Information about macrobiotics in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/macrobiotics | |
49. Natural Gourmet Institute - Public Classes: Macrobiotics In the macrobiotic way, one seeks to balance the opposing forces of yin/yang, expansion and contraction, hot and cold, light and heavy. http://www.naturalgourmetschool.com/html/classes-macrobiotics.html | |
50. Macrobiotics - Definition At YourDictionary macrobiotics definition, words related to macrobiotics, proper usage and pronunciation of the word macrobiotics from YourDictionary.com. http://www.yourdictionary.com/macrobiotics | |
51. The Hazards Of Macrobiotics - Macrobiotic Diet And Vitamin Deficiency | Nutritio The hazards of macrobiotics macrobiotic diet and vitamin deficiency from Nutrition Health Review in Health provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0876/is_n56/ai_9164652 | |
52. Macrobiotics In Atlanta Fireworks Splice HTML. http://www.atlantamacrobiotics.com/ |
53. Macrobiotics - Physical Education, Health Nutrition, Macrobiotics, (macrobiotics)StudySphere Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_2316.html | |
54. Macrobiotics As Immunomodulator For AIDS Treatment. ISSUE/PROBLEM People choosing to follow macrobiotics independently as treatment for AIDS; Lack experience with food elements utilised; Knowledge of basic http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/MeetingAbstracts/102202223.html | |
55. Becoming Whole: Macrobiotics Part II explains the macrobiotic diet I follow which I credit for my life and includes recipes, healing menus, a glossary and directory of helpful http://www.becomingwhole.typepad.com/my_weblog/macrobiotics/index.html | |
56. Useful Links For Macrobiotics & Acupuncture This extraordinary site serves new and long time macrobiotic friends. Its nonjudgmental appproach and openness is leading the way for explorations into new http://www.michaelrossoff.com/Links.htm | |
57. Cancer Center - Complementary And Alternative Therapies macrobiotics should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy. What does macrobiotics therapy involve? macrobiotics therapy is a combination of http://cancer.ucsd.edu/Outreach/PublicEducation/CAMs/macrobiotics.asp | |
58. Kushi's Kitchen: Macrobiotic And Natural Food Awareness With Gabriele Kushi The macrobiotic philosophy embraces awareness for the natural cycles of the universe. It calls for involving oneself and our loved ones in the art of http://www.kushiskitchen.com/Macrobiotics.html | |
59. How To Gain Sexual Balance With Macrobiotics | EHow.com How to Gain Sexual Balance With macrobiotics. Macrobiotic is of Greek origin, and actually means great or large life. The macrobiotic lifestyle is based http://www.ehow.com/how_2190872_gain-sexual-balance-macrobiotics.html | |
60. Matthew Yglesias (June 28, 2007) - Triumph Of The Macrobiotics (Culture) Triumph of the macrobiotics. 28 Jun 2007 0946 am. Reader R.Y. writes that the thing about Whole Foods is that. It s one of the most viciously antiunion http://matthewyglesias.theatlantic.com/archives/2007/06/triumph_of_the_macrobiot | |
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