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41. Malnutrition, Lawlessness Are Increasing In Darfur - USATODAY.com malnutrition is increasing in Sudan s violencewracked Darfur region along with lawlessness and the number of people fleeing their homes, http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-08-31-darfur_N.htm | |
42. South Asia - India: Malnutrition Report Indias Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) needs to undergo significant changes to address the current malnutrition crisis in India, according to http://go.worldbank.org/TUTLNHSPH0 | |
43. Malnutrition And Adoption Health Although the relationship of severe malnutrition in infancy and childhood to brain damage is a well established fact, seriously affected children are not http://www.comeunity.com/adoption/health/malnutrition.html | |
44. Hunger And Malnutrition: Save The Children Save the Children Battles Global Hunger, malnutrition and Famine. http://www.savethechildren.org/programs/hunger-malnutrition/ | |
45. Nutrition, Immunity And Infections: T Lymphocyte Subpopulations In Protein--Ener Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is one of the most frequent causes of secondary immune deficiency states. Alterations either in cellular or humoral immune http://tropej.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/39/4/257 | |
46. Malnutrition And Seniors: When A Relative Doesn't Eat Enough At first glance, the causes of malnutrition seem straightforward too little food, a diet lacking in nutrients or absorption problems. http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/HA/00066.html | |
47. Global Warming To Worsen Malnutrition: Report Dec 12, 2007 Expressing their deepest concern, three U.N. agencies are warning that climate change will increase global hunger and malnutrition unless http://www.world-science.net/othernews/071212_warming.htm | |
48. Press Release For 2007 | Action Against Hunger Central to the targeting of malnutrition, Action Against Hunger extends water and sanitation improvements to communities with little or no access to proper http://www.actionagainsthunger.org/pressroom/releases/2007/oct-26 | |
49. Malnutrition | Clinical Nutrition | Nestlé Nutrition From mild to serious malnutrition, Nestlé Nutrition provides a range of products designed to meet patients unique needs. We provide a variety of tastes and http://www.nestle-nutrition.com/condition.aspx?objectID=E27BDBB7-C540-4551-A06E- |
50. The Development Of Concepts Of Malnutrition -- Golden 132 (7): 2117S -- Journal The idea that edematous malnutrition was caused by hypoalbuminemia, and that this was directly attributable to a low protein diet, was present in the 19th http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/132/7/2117S | |
51. JAMA -- Malnutrition In Darfur, February 20, 2008, Stephenson 299 (7): 755 Feb 20, 2008 Rates of malnutrition among children in Sudan s embattled Darfur region have reached their highest levels in 3 years, according to a report http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/299/7/755 | |
52. Overcoming Child Malnutrition In Developing Countries Past IFPRI s 2020 Vision Brief No. 64 Overcoming Child malnutrition in Developing Countries Past Achievements and Future Choices by Lisa Smith and Lawrence http://www.ifpri.org/2020/BRIEFS/number64.htm | |
53. DNR - Malnutrition And Starvation Department of Natural Resources malnutrition and Starvation. http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10370_12150_12220-26946--,00.html | |
54. Moderate Malnutrition Kills Millions Of Children Needlessly About 90 percent of child deaths worldwide occur in just 42 countries and about onefourth of these deaths occur before age 5 in the poorest countries, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/06/030630110813.htm | |
55. Malnutrition Worldwide Hunger and malnutrition remain amongst the most devastating problems worldwideparticularly facing the world s underprivileged and poor. http://www.mikeschoice.com/reports/malnutrition_worldwide.htm |
56. PLoS Medicine - Malnutrition And Infection: Complex Mechanisms And Global Impact Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a critical, yet underestimated factor in susceptibility to infection, including the big three infectious diseases http://medicine.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/jour |
57. News & Broadcast - Malnutrition Causes Heavy Economic Losses, Contributes To Hal malnutrition Causes Heavy Economic Losses, Contributes to Half of All Child Deaths, But Can Be PreventedNew World Bank Report http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20839585~pagePK:6425 | |
58. Undernutrition And Behavioral Development In Children malnutrition and the brain changing concepts, changing concerns1 malnutrition and behavioral development the nutrition variable1 http://www.unu.edu/Unupress/food2/UID04E/uid04e00.htm | |
59. Rx For Survival . Deadly Diseases . Malnutrition | PBS malnutrition is a problem of politics, economics, and inequity, and it occurs in wealthy countries as well as poor ones. Approximately nine million of the http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/rxforsurvival/series/diseases/malnutrition.html | |
60. Malnutrition At Age 3 Years And Externalizing Behavior Problems At METHOD The participants were drawn from a birth cohort (N=1795) in whom signs of malnutrition were assessed at age 3 years, cognitive measures were http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/161/11/2005 |
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