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61. Antillean Manatees, Belize Katie and Caryn are attempting to gather baseline data on manatees in order to help the Belizean government create conservation policies and set aside areas http://www.virtualexplorers.org/belize/belize_intro.htm | |
62. EFieldTrips Removing Classroom Walls. Opening Windows to Our World.©. Welcome to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 20062007 school year eFieldTrip. http://www.efieldtrips.org/Manatees/ | |
63. Honduras Manatee Project It belongs to LightHawk International and was used for recent aerial surveys of manatees along the North coast of Honduras in April 2006. http://resweb.llu.edu/rford/courses/ESSC5xx/hondurasmanatee.html | |
64. NY Times Advertisement Dec 6, 2007 manatees remain on Floridas endangered species list, for now. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/06/us/06manatees.html |
65. Florida Marlins Recruit Tubby Male Cheerleaders For Manatees Squad The National League team is creating an allmale, plus-size cheerleading squad to be dubbed the manatees. Tryouts were scheduled for Sunday. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/us_world/2008/02/23/2008-02-23_florida_marlins_r |
66. Main Page - Blue Spring State Park » Florida State Parks Swimming or diving with manatees is not permitted and is strictly enforced. The river is popular for fishing, canoeing, and boating. http://www.floridastateparks.org/bluespring/ | |
67. Untitled Document Tours Daily, Dive and Snorkel Manatee Tours in crystal river where you can snorkel with manatees. Never snorkeled before, let our 5 Star facility take you http://www.americanprodiving.com/ | |
68. Manatees Supremely Adapted, Seriously Endangered - National Zoo FONZ It s hard to imagine how a manateea 1000pound creature with a body like a fat cucumber and a face packed with wrinkles and whiskerscould be mistaken for http://nationalzoo.si.edu/publications/zoogoer/1998/1/manateesadapedendagered.cf |
69. Manatees Seek Power Plants, Warm Springs As Safe Havens Oct 20, 2006 Florida s manatees have rebounded from the brink of extinction, but experts say their survival depends on finding food and warm waters along http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/10/061020-manatees.html | |
70. For Manatees, It's Brains Over Beauty - International Herald Tribune The conception of the simple sea cow is being turned on its head by the recent work of Roger Reep, a neuroscientist at the University of Florida. http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/08/30/healthscience/snmanatee.php | |
71. Journey North Manatees: Spring, 2001 Every year Cathy and the team have let us in for a rare look at manatee research as it happens. We re grateful for the opportunity to follow along again http://www.learner.org/jnorth/spring2001/species/manatee/Update020701.html | |
72. ENN: Florida's Manatees Almost Not Endangered In an incredible breaking news story it has been revealed that manatees are still on the Florida endangered species list. The decision to not change their http://www.enn.com/wildlife/article/26914 | |
73. Manatees - Google Sightseeing Congregating by this water outlet in West Palm Beach is a whole herd of Florida manatees, a highly intelligent species of aquatic mammals, also known as Sea http://googlesightseeing.com/2007/05/04/manatees/ | |
74. Florida Manatee - Defenders Of Wildlife The florida manatee, Floridas state marine mammal, is a large aquatic relative of the elephant. They are grayish brown in color and have thick, http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/manatee.php | |
75. Manatee, Manatee Profile, Facts, Information, Photos, Pictures, Sounds, Habitats Get manatee profile, facts, information, photos, pictures, sounds, habitats, reports, news, and more from National Geographic. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/manatee.html | |
76. Fish And Wildlife Research Institute border= Press Release FWC Unveils New Florida Manatee License Plate See More Articles. Save the Manatee Trust Fund and License Plate http://research.myfwc.com/features/default.asp?id=1001 |
77. HornyManatee.com Got some amateur horny manatee pictures or stories? Submit them now! Missed the live manatee chat? Read the transcript now http://www.hornymanatee.com/ | |
78. Tampa Electric - Manatee Viewing Center Come visit an environmental education facility like no other at the Manatee Viewing Center. You can experience a tidal walkway showcasing vibrant Florida http://www.tampaelectric.com/manatee/ | |
79. Welcome To Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park, a showcase for Florida Wildlife, offers visitors an excellent opportunity to observe native animals, birds and plants http://www.manateecam.com/ | |
80. Manatee Tours Florida Manatee Swims Swimming With Manatee Florida Manatee tours in Florida for swims with the Manatee in the Crystal River of Florida. Swimming tours with Manatee, the. http://www.birdsunderwater.com/ | |
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