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41. Life And Microgravity Science sponsored by NASA s Marshall Space Flight Center and serves as a jumpingoff point for more information about microgravity research http://spacelist.org/microgravity.html | |
42. The Hindu : Front Page : Indian Experiments In Micro Gravity Provide New Insight Mar 2, 2008 UDHAGAMANDALAM The first results from the microgravity experiments on board the space capsule that was successfully launched and recovered http://www.thehindu.com/2008/03/02/stories/2008030260021000.htm | |
43. Microgravity Enterprises Launches Commercial Payload From New Mexico Spaceport May 28, 2007 Albuquerque NM (SPX) May 28, 2007 microgravity Enterprises has successfully recovered ingredients that were successfully launched into http://www.space-travel.com/reports/Microgravity_Enterprises_Launches_Commercial | |
44. The Stephen Hawking Microgravity Education & Research Center Are there resources for my students to practice in microgravity? What does it take to plan and conduct an experiment on Mars or the Moon? http://www.hawkingcenter.org/ | |
45. Microgravity And Space News From Scientific American Find the latest microgravity articles, news, and information from the space experts at Scientific American. http://www.sciam.com/topic.cfm?id=microgravity |
46. AIAA Microgravity And Space Processes TC of microgravity and space processing in the physical, materials, and biological sciences and related applications. 20042005 MSP-TC Committee Officers http://www.me.memphis.edu/msp-tc/index.html |
47. Cool Runnings: A Microgravity Experiment This is the studentmanaged homepage of the ICES Parabolic Flight Experiment, a project to study ice and dust interactions in microgravity. http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~parabolic/ | |
48. Current Science - Contents 324, Background and current ISRO initiatives in microgravity research programme 341, Materials science research in microgravity Current status and an http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/aug102000/contents.htm | |
49. WOUMFT - The WOU Microgravity Flight Team Homepage Western Oregon University ATTN ASWOU · WOUMFT 345 N Monmouth Ave Monmouth, Oregon · 97361 acotton@wou.edu. Western Oregon University microgravity Flight Team. http://www.wou.edu/student/club/microgravity/index.htm | |
50. Research & Technology -- Microgravity Research Difficulties with protein crystallisation initiated attempts to conduct it in microgravity. Crystallisation of proteins in space has been a large effort http://ultr23.vub.ac.be/ultr/research/microgravity.html | |
51. Lift-off For Foton Microgravity Mission Sep 17, 2007 An unmanned Foton spacecraft, carrying a payload of more than 40 ESA experiments, was successfully launched September 14. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070914101036.htm | |
52. Technology For Artificial Gravity And Microgravity Simulation On ground microgravity simulators like Clinostats - Random Positioning Machines - Free Fall Machines - Rotating wall vessels - Levitating magnets http://www.congrex.nl/07c20/ |
53. NASA Awards Contract For Microgravity Aircraft Services | SpaceRef - Your Space Jan 2, 2008 NASA Awards Contract for microgravity Aircraft Services SpaceRef. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=24394 |
54. AEM MicroGravity Projects During this time period, they perform their in flight experiments while the aircraft is performing maneuvers which produce microgravity for about 30 seconds http://www.aem.umn.edu/proj-prog/sfo/ | |
55. Microgravity Science And Technology - Space Exploration And Astronautics Journal The journal microgravity Science and Technology publishes papers describing the preparation, the performance and the evaluation as well as preliminary http://www.springer.com/astronomy/space exploration/journal/12217 | |
56. Microgravity In October 2001 four students from Tampere University of technology traveled to France to take part in a microgravity flight by ESA. http://www.ursa.fi/~msuomine/pfctut/eng/overview.html |
57. Astronaut Bio: Bonnie Dunbar (9/2005) In 1993, Dr. Dunbar served as Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Life and microgravity Sciences, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. In February 1994 http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/dunbar.html | |
58. JAXA | Fluid Science Under Microgravity I am engaged in research on fluid dynamics under the microgravity. One of my research objectives is to develop new/useful materials with a better quality. http://www.jaxa.jp/article/special/kibo/kawamura_e.html | |
59. Microgravity Combustion Research Ronney, P. D., On the Mechanisms of Flame Propagation Limits and Extinction Processes at microgravity, Twenty Second Symposium (International) on http://carambola.usc.edu/research/microgravity.html | |
60. NASAexplores 9-12 Lesson Demonstrating Microgravity (Teacher Sheets) Depending on your time constraints, you can either build the microgravity demonstrator before class, or have students help build it during the class period. http://www.nasaexplores.com/show_912_teacher_st.php?id=030106131015 |
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