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61. Www.ioaw.org The orangutan is tail-less, with small ears and a small nose. The coat is long and soft, and reddish brown in color.......www.ioaw.org/ 1k - Cached - Similar pages orangutan http://www.ioaw.org/ |
62. Orang-utan Hotlinks orangutan HOTLINKS. photograph of orangutans Borneo orangutan Survival Foundation orangutan Information and Photographs http://www.orang-utans.com/oranglink.html | |
63. Ann Curry's Orangutan Adventure - AllDAY - Msnbc.com Some scientists consider orangutans to be the world s most intelligent animal, second only to humans. There is even evidence they have a kind of culture, http://allday.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/05/13/190365.aspx | |
64. Orangutan Technology: Scientific American This won t surprise youuntil you realize that he is referring not to humans but to orangutans, the large red apes of south Asia. Van Schaik proposes that http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=0000ED4E-491A-119B-A6B483414B7F4945 |
65. Nature Conservancy News Room - The Nature Conservancy Finds Population Of Wild O Indonesian Government Commits to Conserving Key orangutan Habitat This is the largest viable population of wild orangutans known to exist in East http://www.nature.org/pressroom/press/press858.html | |
66. Adopt An Orangutan : Animals : Planet Green orangutans used to thrive in many different parts of Southeast Asia, but these great apes are now a species in peril. Clear cutting, forest fires, http://planetgreen.discovery.com/work-community/dogooding/adopt-an-orangutan.php | |
67. Palm Oil Crisis Information From The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Palm Oil Information Protect orangutans by promoting sustainable palm oil production and proper labeling. http://www.cmzoo.org/palmoil.html | |
68. William H. Calvin, Orangutan Portraits (2005) orangutan, The only great ape surviving in Asia. Lives in both Sumatra and San Diego Zoo orangutan and siamang fact sheets, webcam. map by Dennis O Neil http://williamcalvin.com/portraits/orangutan.htm | |
69. Orangutan Foundation The problem is, he is so big and strong he simply cannot be taken out with the other orangutans. Even Pak Sehat (see photo below) who is magical with http://orangutanfoundation.wildlifedirect.org/ | |
70. Borneo Monkeys And Orangutans - Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, Sabah (Borneo), Mal Max Buten s photos of the Sepilok orangutan Sanctuary male and female Orangs, pigtailed Macaque. http://www.buten.net/max/My2003/80_monkeys/index_80_monkeys.html | |
71. Orang-UTan The last of the great apes found outside Africa is the treedwelling ORANG-UTAN, one of the world s most extraordinary animal. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/5257/gdc4.html | |
72. FONZ Coloring Page Flamingo Giant Panda Giraffe Komodo Dragon Lion Orang Utan Sea Lion Toucan . Kid s Page Overview Friends of the National Zoo Home. http://www.fonz.org/kids/color_orang.htm | |
73. Animal Info - Orang-utan The orangutan lives in tropical, swamp and mountain forests, where it eats mostly fruit, leaves and insects. The orang-utan is arboreal and diurnal. http://www.animalinfo.org/species/primate/pongpygm.htm | |
74. Sokolsky The only page on the Sokolsky (also known as Polish and OrangUtan) chess opening. Information on tournaments, CAP data, games, history and even facts on http://www.angelfire.com/home/bstjean/sokolsky/ | |
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