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81. St. Anthony's Monastery :: Home Page St. Anthony s Monastery in Arizona, USA one of Geronda Ephraim s Monasteries, featuring an online bookstore. http://www.stanthonysmonastery.org/ | |
82. Metropolitan Laurus, Who Healed Rift In Russian Orthodox Church, Is Dead At 80 - Mar 18, 2008 Metropolitan Lauruss most historic moment was an exchange of kisses on the cheek last May with the Patriarch of Moscow, Aleksei II. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/18/world/europe/18laurus.html?ex=1363492800&en=9e |
83. Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Part of the Greek orthodox Archdiocese of America. Beliefs, news and events, and facility information. http://www.agoc.org/ | |
84. Russian Orthodox Church (Brussels Representation) - Eglise Orthodoxe Russe (Repr Includes news, background information, Christianity in Europe, Church and society, interorthodox and ecumenical relations. English/French http://orthodoxeurope.org/ | |
85. Blank The orthodox Anglican Communion is committed to the three ancient creeds of the Church, the Sacraments, the Thirtynine Articles of Religion, and orthodox http://orthodoxanglican.net/ | |
86. The Orthodox Life orthodox Life Info Portal is a pool of orthodox Christian resources and news, centered around the living faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic http://orthodoxlife.info/ | |
87. Russian Orthodox Church: Early History Russian orthodox church is largest autocephalous, or ecclesiastically independent, Eastern orthodox church in the world. Its membership is estimated at http://www.friends-partners.org/oldfriends/mes/russia/moscow/history.html | |
88. Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary Jordanville, NY. Serves the Russian orthodox Church Outside Russia by preparing students for service to the Church. http://www.hts.edu/ | |
89. Coptic Orthodox Church, Diocese Of Los Angeles Diocesan website of the Coptic orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles, under His Grace Bishop Serapion. http://www.lacopts.com/ | |
90. Malankara.com The Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian orthodox Church in North America is a nonprofit religious organization in the United States, incorporated in the http://www.malankara.com/ | |
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