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21. World!Of Numbers Includes a collection of randomly gathered numbers, curios, puzzles, palindromes and primes. http://www.worldofnumbers.com/ |
22. Jason Doucette - World Records - 196 Palindrome Quest, Most Delayed Palindromic Jason Doucette s Resume Homepage, World Records for Interesting Mathematical Patterns involving Numerical palindromes, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. http://www.jasondoucette.com/worldrecords.html | |
23. Palindromes The graphic shows the palindromic sequences seen by five restriction enzymes (named in blue) commonly used in recombinant DNA work. Discussion http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/P/Palindromes.html | |
24. Netflix Online Movie Rentals - Rent DVDs, Classic Films To DVD New Releases palindromes DVD Rental. Rent palindromes from only $4.99/month. Free, fast shipping both ways. Rent palindromes at Netflix today. http://www.netflix.com/Movie/Palindromes/70025658 | |
25. Appendix:Palindromic Words - Wiktionary This appendix contains known singleword palindromes in a variety of different languages. Within each section words are sorted by length (longest first). http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Palindromic_words | |
26. Political Palindromes The reader is left to imagine the context of this palindrome Al! Al! Als mad! For more political palindromes, check out The Polisat Palindrome Page. http://www.realchange.org/pal/polpals.htm | |
27. FASCINATING PALINDROMES In a mathematical context a palindrome is a number that reads the same in either a forward or backward direction. In other words a palindrome (or http://www.iol.ie/~peter/num1.html | |
28. "Palindromes" - Salon.com Solondz has described palindromes as a palindrome, a text that reads the same in both directions ( A man, a plan, a canal Panama, or my personal http://dir.salon.com/story/ent/movies/review/2005/04/13/palindromes/ | |
29. Palindromes Computergenerated wordplay plus more made by humans. http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~evs/ai/Palindromes.html | |
30. Palindromes History + Forward And Backward Word Fun By Brownielocks palindromes are words, sentences or poems that are the same whether read backwards or forwards LETTER by LETTER. http://www.brownielocks.com/palindromes.html | |
31. Palindromes- Palindrome Puzzles - Palindrome History A palindrome is a series of letters or numbers that reads the same backwards or forwards, such the A man, a plan, a canal, Panama . http://puzzles.about.com/od/palindromes/Palindromes_Palindrome_Puzzles.htm | |
32. Answers To Technical Interview Questions palindromes aha!! problem this year on October 2, 2001, solution palindromes. thanks to tom, creator of atomize the O(1) sorting algorithm http://www.techinterview.org/Puzzles/fog0000000074.html | |
33. Palindromes! Old And Newly Discovered Stuff. I ve been fascinated with palindromes ever since I was a kid and my dad gave me a book entitled palindromes and Anagrams by Howard W. Bergerson. http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Ginohn/cetera/palindromes.html | |
34. Palindromes Commentary on palindromes plus a 306word palindrome. http://www.growndodo.com/wordplay/palindromes/ | |
35. Palindrome A MAN, A PLAN, A CANAL PANAMA A palindrome is a word or a sentence which can be read from both sides! Next Palindrome Back to the pictures in 17 symmetry systems http://home.hccnet.nl/jc.kuiper/palindromes/panama.htm | |
36. Movie Review For Palindromes In the opening scene of palindromes, we learn that Dawn has put herself out of her misery. R.I.P, Wienerdog! Her family is woefully mourning her suicide, http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/Palindromes-909.html | |
37. Palindromes Movie Review, DVD Release - Filmcritic.com Lest this be seen as an endorsement of his particular brand of miserableism cinema, palindromes is a cinematic experience that makes one feel soul-sick http://www.filmcritic.com/misc/emporium.nsf/reviews/Palindromes | |
38. Palindrome Collection Claims to have 2830 palindromes in thirtyfive languages. http://noemata.net/pal/ | |
39. IGN: Palindromes Trailer, Wallpaper, Pictures, Soundtrack And More. IGN Movies is the ultimate palindromes resource featuring the trailer, wallpaper, pictures, images, soundtrack, dvd, cast, reviews, and release dates. http://movies.ign.com/objects/742/742081.html | |
40. International Palindromes This is the oldest known twodimensional palindrome. Slovak. tahat (to pull) Retki dikter (The title of a book of palindromes.) Saa Tikku-Kaisa tissit, http://www.jps.at/palindromes/intl/OTHER.html |
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