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41. Palindromes - Amidst A Tangled Web A palindrome is a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. Taking a normal word like browse and typing browse swobr http://dan.hersam.com/lists/palindromes.html | |
42. Flak Magazine Palindromes, 01-23-01 Flak Magazine tackles our tricky friends, palindromes. http://www.flakmag.com/misc/drome.html |
43. Binary/Decimal Palindromes The following is a unique set of numbers that are palindromic (read the same backward as they read forward) in both Base2 (binary) and Base-10 (decimal). http://bach.dynet.com/palin/ | |
44. Satire: Veritas. CELEBRITY palindromes! BY TSAOR TOP EEKNAY. Lisa Bonet ate no basil. palindromes were compiled from various sources throughout the universe; http://www.yankeepotroast.org/daily/040315.html | |
45. Johan Jeuring's Blog: Finding Palindromes A palindrome is a number, verse, word or a phrase that is the same whether you read it backwards or forwards, for example the word `refer . http://johanjeuring.blogspot.com/2007/08/finding-palindromes.html | |
46. Palindromes One of the first questions people tend to ask me after seeing palindromes is, Why did you cast so many actors in the role of Aviva, instead of just one? http://www.landmarktheatres.com/mn/palindromes.html | |
47. Palindromes Here s a new silly favorite submitted by a visitor to this page. Go hang a salami; I m a lasagna hog. For a very long list of palindromes visit Palindrome http://home.earthlink.net/~jesmith/Palindrome.html | |
48. Digit Reversal Sums Leading To Palindromes Typically you will soon arrive at a palindrome, i.e., a number that reads the same forwards and backwards. For example, starting with 39, we have 39 + 93 http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath004.htm | |
49. Palindromes (2005): Reviews As depressing as it is hard to watch, palindromes is also consistently, horrifyingly funny and sharpwitted, and the darker and more well-observed its humor http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/palindromes | |
50. Numeric Palindromes You have 9+9+90+90+900+900 = 1998 palindromes up to one million. That s 0,1998 %. About every 500th number is a palindrome. http://www.mathematische-basteleien.de/palindromes.html | |
51. Funny2 A PALINDROME is a word or sentence that reads the same backwards and forwards . palindromes Pickup Lines How To Change Oil Politically Correct http://www.funny2.com/palindromes.htm | |
52. The Fishy-Palindromes... Note For those who don t know yet, palindromes are words or group of words which read the same forwards or backwards, like Bob, or Satan, oscillate my http://www.big.net/fishy/pal.html | |
53. Palindromes: EnchantedLearning.com A palindrome is a word, phrase or number that reads the same forwards or backwards. Palindrome Quiz Worksheet 1 to Print 10 palindromes Find the http://www.enchantedlearning.com/english/palindromes/ | |
54. :: Rogerebert.com :: Reviews :: Palindromes (xhtml) Todd Solondz s palindromes is a brave and challenging film for which there may not be much of an audience. That is not a fault of the film, which does not http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050428/REVIEWS/50411 |
55. Palindromes - Glossary Definition - UsingEnglish.com palindromes Definition of palindromes from our glossary of English linguistic and grammatical terms containing explanations and cross-references to http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/palindrome.html | |
56. Math Trek Primes, Palindromes, And Pyramids, Science News Online Aug 27, 2005 Prime numbers that have the same sequence of digits whether read forward or backward can be built into pyramids. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20050827/mathtrek.asp |
57. AskOxford: Palindromes A palindrome is a word that reads the same if it is turned backto-front. So the names Bob, Eve, and Otto are all palindromes. http://www.askoxford.com/wordgames/wordchallenge/palindromes/ | |
58. The Girl Can't Help It: "Palindromes" Shayna Levine and Stephen Adly Guirgis in a scene from Todd Solondz s palindromes. Photo credit Macall Polay courtesy of Wellspring. http://www.indiewire.com/movies/movies_050412palin.html | |
59. Palindromes: SemordnilaP Bob,madam, 414, 1991, and the phrases on the Riverdeep.net home page are all examples of palindromesa word, number, sentence, or verse that reads the same http://www.riverdeep.net/current/2001/04/041901_palindrome.jhtml | |
60. Andrew Bird â Fake Palindromes â Listen Free At Last.fm Listen to Andrew Bird Fake palindromes. Fake palindromes appears on the album The Mysterious Production of Eggs and has been tagged as singersongwriter, http://www.last.fm/music/Andrew Bird/_/Fake Palindromes | |
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