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21. DISF - Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia Of Religion And Science | Pantheism The first meaning of pantheism refers to transcendental pantheism, i.e., Such is the pantheism of Spinoza, for example, and that which, http://www.disf.org/en/Voci/92.asp | |
22. Pantheism pantheism is considered to be atheism by those who posit a transcendent and separate source of the world. Thus, many Christian theologians and philosophers http://skepdic.com/pantheism.html | |
23. Christian Science Versus Pantheism Pastor Mary Baker Eddy s message in opposition to pantheism. http://www.mbeinstitute.org/Prose_Works/CSvsPantheism.html | |
24. Comparative Religion - Possible Difficulties In Pantheism This article surveys some possible difficulties in pantheism. http://www.comparativereligion.com/pantheism.html | |
25. Pantheism If you love nature, if you see divinity in all things, then you could do with reading up on pantheism. Where the universe is equated with God; http://www.dpjs.co.uk/pan.html | |
26. AN INTRODUCTION TO PANTHEISM pantheism is the view that the natural universe is divine, the proper object of reverence; or the view that the natural universe is pervaded with divinity. http://www.wku.edu/~jan.garrett/panthesm.htm | |
27. Pantheism Several articles on pantheism. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects. http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/pantheis.htm | |
28. Paths To Pantheism Within the vast range of philosophical and religious choices offered throughout the history of Homo sapient thought, pantheism is probably the oldest, http://www.paxdoraunlimited.com/PathsToPantheism.html | |
29. What Is Pantheism? What is pantheism? What religions today are considered to be pantheistic? http://www.gotquestions.org/pantheism.html | |
30. What Is Pantheism? - Pantheist Association For Nature What is pantheism Definition of pantheism - a religion that kindles a sunbright spiritual relationship with Nature - by the Pantheist Association for http://home.utm.net/pan/whatis.html | |
31. Pantheism - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia pantheism is the belief that God and the universe are equivalent (the same thing.) A Pantheist believes that everything that exists is a part of God, http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantheism | |
32. Mereological Ontological Arguments And Pantheism Philosophical disagreement with pantheism. Based on the Pantheist definition of God. http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/graham_oppy/panth.html | |
33. Pantheism pantheism Discover the basis and foundation for this religious viewpoint. Discover how it compares with other views of God. http://www.allabouthistory.org/pantheism-faq.htm | |
34. Pantheism - Beliefnet Forums Naturalistic pantheism and pagans. Ancestral. 0209-2008 1048 AM Earth Scouts - a pantheist friendly children s program. Ancestral. 12-27-2007 1115 PM http://community.beliefnet.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=184 |
35. Pantheism pantheism, the personal feeling that everything is or contains God, and God is everything or all. The concept that God is immanent in all things is one of http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/p/pantheism.html | |
36. Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Pantheism - Wikisource The name pantheist was introduced by John Toland (16701722) in his Socinianism truly Stated (1705), while pantheism was first used by his opponent Fay in http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Catholic_Encyclopedia_(1913)/Pantheism | |
37. Pantheism The Pantheist Credo - Commentary By Paul Harrison Scientific pantheism is called scientific not because it claims to be a science, but because it adopts a scientific approach to reality to complement its http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~harrison/maninote.htm |
38. Pantheism To lay the preliminary groundwork we need to establish what is pantheism. By its very etymology the term pantheism signifies that the universe (everything http://www.tecmalta.org/tft131.htm | |
39. Pantheism - Definitions From Dictionary.com The belief that God, or a group of gods, is identical with the whole natural world; pantheism comes from Greek roots meaning belief that everything is a http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pantheism | |
40. Pantheism - Message Board - Yuku pantheism Big board with many forums to discuss aspects of pantheism, humanism, atheism, nature, science and environment. http://pantheism.yuku.com/ | |
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