About Experts Sitemap - Group 4 - Page 17 Alternative Medicine: Betaine HCL supplements, pepsin, bowel movements pepsin, bowel movements, rickey: I apologize but I dont find any particular information on those numbers. It s likely they indicate the amount of pepsiin in the product. Therefore Product 1 has 1 part Pepsin in 3000 parts of the product and Product 2 has 1 part pepsin in 10,000 parts of... Alternative Medicine: Betaine HCL supplements, types of enzymes, hydrochloric acids types of enzymes, hydrochloric acids, pepsin: These are just different types of Hydrochloric acids. One product may have been a better quality or you may need one type of HCL more than another. My first thought is the quality of the product. These types of enzymes break down proteins. Everyone needs... Alternative Medicine: Betaine supplements questions, egg albumin, betaine hcl egg albumin, betaine hcl, national formulary: Dear Roberto, Sorry for the late answer. I forgot to click on send . NF = National Formulary 1:3000 = Pepsin that digests not less than 3000 of its own weight of coagulated egg albumin and not more than 3500. Why product 1 is working and not product 2... Alternative Medicine: Bi-Polar Dilemma, lifestyle change, manic depression | |