Education Articles: Top Careers Teaching Careers Teacher Certification Pennsylvania Teacher Certification Find Online Teacher Certification Programs. The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Bureau of Teacher Certification and Preparation is responsible for Pennsylvania teacher certification . Pennsylvania offers offers a two level certificate structure issuing the following certificates: - Professional Instructional Certificate Level I - This is Pennsylvania's entry-level certificate. It is valid for up to a maximum of six "service" years during which time an individual must meet the requirements to move to a Level II Certificate. It may not be renewed. Professional Instructional Certificate Level II - This certificate is continuously valid provided that the holder fulfills the continuing education requirements every five years.
Pennsylvania issues the following types of certificates: - Instructional certificates - these are available in the following areas: early childhood (birth - grade 3), elementary (K-6), all grades (K-12) for specific subjects, specific subjects for secondary grades (7-12), and special education (birth - 12). Educational specialist certificates - issued to a person whose primary responsibility is to render professional service other than classroom teaching.
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