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41. MySpaceTV Videos: Fedex Super Bowl Ad: Carrier Pigeons Bad Choice For Shipping B Fedex Super Bowl Ad Carrier pigeons Bad Choice for Shipping by Super Bowl Ads Watch it on MySpace Videos. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=27485922 |
42. Venice Pigeons - Venice For Visitors These birds rival cats as the unofficial mascots of Venice, but you could be fined 1000000 lire for feeding pigeons outside of designated areas. http://europeforvisitors.com/venice/articles/pigeons_of_venice.htm | |
43. Wcbstv.com - NYC Taxpayers May Soon Be Funding 'Pigeon Czar' Put your hands up and back away from the breadcrumbsfeeding the pigeons could be banned in New York City under a lawmaker s proposal to thin the flocks of http://wcbstv.com/local/pigeon.feeding.ban.2.565918.html | |
44. Pigeons A blue dot was placed on the pigeons feathers and covered with a cotton bib. As a control for tactile stimulation from the bib or the dot, movements toward http://ww2.lafayette.edu/~allanr/mirror.html | |
45. OKIEJIM Dedicated to helping others enjoy the sport of racing pigeons. Oldline Sions, HVR s, and Janssen birds proven in today s competition are the backbone of http://www.okiejim.com/ |
46. Animals On The London Underground - And I Don't Mean Us Are pigeons travelling on the Underground with serious intent? .. I don t think pigeons or rats are _stupid_ enough to ride in the cars here a lot of http://victorian.fortunecity.com/finsbury/254/tubeanimals.html | |
47. Racing Pigeons For Sale | Pigeon Racing And Pigeon Classifieds | Pigeon Gifts Find racing pigeons for sale and fancy pigeons for sale, with fanciers and lofts specializing in top quality homing pigeons on PigeonRacer.com classified http://www.pigeonracer.com/ | |
48. National Pigeon Association Since pigeons drink bysuction, any water container should be at least 1 in. (2.5 cm) deep. An open container, i.e., adish, an old margarine container tub, http://www.npausa.com/found_pigeon.htm | |
49. Parlor Roller Pigeons - Rolling Pigeons Parlor Roller pigeons tips on breeding, feeding, loft management, and conditioning parlor rollers. The most detailed parlor roller pigeon site. http://www.parlorroller.com/ | |
50. Pigeon Wars - New York Times Oct 15, 2006 What the latest technology and ecological thinking can, and cant, do about controlling our finefeathered pests. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/15/magazine/15pigeons.html | |
51. All Pigeon Politics Is Personal - City Room - Metro - New York Times Blog Nov 14, 2007 I am not a fan of pigeons. I have no love of pigeons at all. I find them to be flying rats, and I have no use for them. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/11/13/all-pigeon-politics-is-personal/ | |
52. Hierarchical Stimulus Processing By Pigeons This chapter reviews recent experiments from my laboratory looking at how pigeons process hierarchicallyarranged information presented at different spatial http://www.pigeon.psy.tufts.edu/avc/cook/ |
53. Pigeons And Doves Of The World EXTINCT. Martha, the last Passenger Pigeon, died in the Cinncinatti Zoo, September 1, 1914. . Chatham Island Pigeon (subspecies of New Zealand Pigeon) http://www.camacdonald.com/birding/Sampler3-PigeonsDoves.htm | |
54. HomingPigeon.com An internet portal of information for use by those interested in competetive flights (races) of homing pigeons. http://www.homingpigeon.com/ | |
55. Pigeons Write A Smog Blog. You May Be Next. â Plenty Magazine When Beatriz da Costa releases 20 pigeons into the smoggy skies of San Jose, Though air pollution readings from the height at which the pigeons will http://www.plentymag.com/features/2006/07/pigeons_write_a_smog_blog_you.php | |
56. Pigeon Magazine | Show Pigeons | Performing Pigeons | Racing Pigeons - Purebred Pigeon photographs in full color with indepth artcles. pigeons from the US and around the world - in one affordable quality magazine. http://www.purebredpigeon.com/ | |
57. Best Of Craigslist : Dear Pigeons Eating Puke On The Sidewalk As if the puke weren t enough to turn my stomach, you motherfucking pigeons sealed the deal. In the 4 brief seconds I happened to look at you I witnessed http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/nyc/166854073.html | |
58. All About Homing & Carrier Pigeons A Beginners Guide to Homing Carrier pigeons. A Homing Pigeon refers to any pigeon with the ability to fly, or home in on, a certain location. http://petcaretips.net/homing-pigeon.html | |
59. Study Of 'Power Napping' In Pigeons May Benefit Humans Feb 27, 2008 In humans, as in all mammals, sleep consists of two phases deep, dreamless slowwave-sleep (SWS) alternates with dream phases, called Rapid http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/99391.php | |
60. Fast Maturing Racing Pigeons Bred For Tough Middle Distance Pigeon Racing. A family of fastmaturing pigeons bred to win one loft pigeon races! Birds include crosses of Janssen, Hofken, VanDenabeele, and Tournier. http://www.propigeonloft.com/ | |
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