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61. Adler Planetarium, Chicago, IL Astronomy information, education resources, visitor s guide, exhibits and shows, and news center. http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/ | |
62. Fairfax County Public Schools Planetarium Website Spitz A3P Planetarium Projector, Fairfax County Public Schools Planetarium Website, Study Web Award. About Students Teachers Parents Guests http://www.fcps.edu/DIS/OHSICS/planet/ | |
63. Home Page Redirect PRODUCTS. Planetarium Shows Since 1978, our shows, imagery, music have found their way to more than 800 classic planetarium and fulldome theaters in the http://www.lochnessproductions.com/ | |
64. Digitalis Education Solutions, Inc. Affordable digital planetarium projector for use in portable or small fixed domes; inflatable domes from 4 to 7 m. http://www.digitaliseducation.com/ | |
65. Cassini-Huygens: Museums & More A DVD update to the 2004 planetarium show Ring World is still available. The Ring World 2 DVD tells the story of the CassiniHuygens mission to Saturn and http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/museums/index.cfm | |
66. ASP: Planetaria Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium, University of Arizona, Tucson. California Morrison Planetarium, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco http://www.astrosociety.org/resources/linkplanetaria.html | |
67. Planetarium In United States Planetarium in United States. Astronomy Clubs Planetarium Space Observatories Museums. A, K, P. Alabama (5), Kansas (9), Pennsylvania (20) http://www.astronomyclubs.com/2/190/0/0/select_state.aspx | |
68. The Milky Way Atlas | Guide | Digital Universe | Hayden Planetarium The Digital Universe Guide Digital UniverseGuideThe Milky Way Atlas. http://www.haydenplanetarium.org/universe/duguide/mw_atlas.php | |
69. Planetarium Software The ultimate planetarium is the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, a set of images covering the entire sky taken with professional telescopes. http://astro.nineplanets.org/astrosoftware.html | |
70. Official Site: Griffith Observatory Los Angeles, CA Griffith Observatory offers exciting shows in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium, public telescopes, and observing and astronomy exhibits. http://www.griffithobs.org/ | |
71. Free Planetarium Programs For Observing The Night Sky. Astronomy freeware. This category is for planetarium or sky observing software. No shareware. Over fifty other free software categories. http://freeware.intrastar.net/planetarium.htm | |
72. STARLAB Portable Planetarium STARLAB is a portable planetarium. It is an inflatable dome capable of accommodating about 25 students. Inside the dome, a cylinder projector is not only http://www.starlab.com/slmain.html | |
73. UW-Milwaukee: Manfred Olson Planetarium - Homepage The Manfred Olson Planetarium at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee offers weekly planetarium shows for the general public and for groups, http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Planetarium/ | |
74. NASA OSS Space Science Access - Bringing The Universe To Museums Are you an informal educator working on an Astronomy in the News presentation, a space science exhibit, a new planetarium show? http://teachspacescience.org/cgi-bin/search.plex?catid=10000611&mode=full |
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