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1. Poets.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More A resource from the Academy of American poets with thousands of poems, essays, biographies, weekly features, and poems for love and every occasion. http://www.poets.org/ | |
2. Famous Poets And Poems - Read And Enjoy Poetry Famous poets and Poems is a free poetry site. We have a large collection of poems and quotes from over 550 poets. Read and Enjoy Poetry. http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/ | |
3. Poets I found this page interesting http//www.poemhunter.com/poets/Default.asp? Copy and paste the above URL into your browser s location field if the link is http://www.poemhunter.com/poets/ | |
4. The Poets The poets. There are 161 poet companion sites below. The poems analyzed are available in Anthology of Modern American Poetry (Oxford) http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets.htm | |
5. Poets & Writers | From Inspiration To Publication Publisher of poets and Writers magazine, the site offers seminars and publication opportunities, financial support for workshops, guidance for creative http://www.pw.org/ | |
6. Poets' Corner - Home Page poets Corner is a massive online collection of poetry, with thousands of works from hundreds of poets. Works range from medeival times to the early 20th http://www.theotherpages.org/poems/ | |
7. Poets.com > Home poets.com Website. learnmore_btn.gif member_btn.gif. Copyright 2006 by poets.com, Terms Of Use Privacy Statement. http://www.poets.com/ | |
8. Poet Seers - Poem Of The Day â Poet Seers Features spiritual poetry from Godseekers and God-lovers from all over the world, including Sri Aurobindo, Tagore, Sri Chinmoy, Blake, and Whitman. http://www.poetseers.org/ | |
9. Dead Poets Society (1989) Directed by Peter Weir. With Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke. English professor John Keating inspires his students to a love of poetry and http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097165/ | |
10. .: Poems And Poets :. .: Classic Poetry, World's Largest Critical Poetry Forums, A complete poetry site for every poet and every poetry lover huge collection of classical poems; poetry discussion forums for comments and critique; http://www.everypoet.com/ | |
11. Welcome To Poets House poets House is a comfortable, accessible place for poetrya 45000 volume poetry library and a meeting place that invites poets and the public to join the http://www.poetshouse.org/ | |
12. American Poems List Of Poets - Currently 237 Different Authors Listed. American Poems list of poets Currently 237 different authors listed. http://www.americanpoems.com/poets | |
13. Poets Against War poets Against the War serves poets in various ways, including publishing poetry via its website, providing information and resources to aid poets in http://www.poetsagainstthewar.org/ | |
14. Poets Francophone African poetry (that is, poetry written by Africans in the French language) a rich and varied literary expression. http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/africana/poets.htm | |
15. Young Poets - Poetry Written By Children And Kids From 5-18 Original poetry written by kids age 5 18 including poems for young children and poems by teens. We have Christmas poems, cartoon reviews, movie reviews, http://www.loriswebs.com/youngpoets/ | |
16. Busboys And Poets - Home Busboys and poets You Tube Videos Bus Boys and poets You Tube Videos. Washington, DC, Virginia. You re browser does not support iFrames. Please upgrade. http://www.busboysandpoets.com/ | |
17. NubianPoets.com An online source for information regarding poets of African descent. The site includes a bookstore, trivia, history, poetry contest, games, and much more. http://www.nubianpoets.com/ | |
18. British Women Romantic Poets, 1789 - 1832 The British Women Romantic poets Project is a digital initiative of the UC Davis Search British Women Romatic poets and other electronic texts in the http://digital.lib.ucdavis.edu/projects/bwrp/ | |
19. The Poets. Chambers says that Cowper was a precursor of Wordsworth and the English Romantic Movement, a poet of nature. Lord David Cecil, one of my favourite authors, http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Literary/BiosPoets.htm | |
20. Famous Poets Famous poets, and poems of literary excellence. Famous Irish poets, Famous Asian poets, Famous poets from India and other World Famous poets http://judithpordon.tripod.com/poetry/id166.html | |
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