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21. The E-poets Network epoets.net a resource for poetry, performance, and new media art; producing live videoconferences where artists and audiences commune across national and http://www.e-poets.net/ | |
22. NuyoricanPoetsCafeHomePage The Nuyorican poets Cafe, home to NYC s freshest artists, is a multicultural community dedicated to artistic empowerment and creative diversity. http://www.nuyorican.org/ | |
23. Poetry.com Poets And Poems - Free Poetry Contest International Library of Poetry,poets and poems,poetry glossary,poetry techniques,love poems,greatest poets,poetry rhyming dictionary,poetry contest,over http://www.poetry.com/ | |
24. :: Norton Poets Online :: NORTON poets ONLINE. Home Poet Workshop Title Index Author Appearances Welcome to Norton poets Online! Halflife Meghan O Rourke http://www.nortonpoets.com/ | |
25. Russian Poets Of The 20th Century Poems from several 20th Century Russian poets Akhmatova, Blok, Pasternak, Mandelshtam, Mayakovsky and Tsvetaeva. Biographies in English and poems in http://www.richardboffin.com/poets/index.html |
26. The Poet's Bookshelf: Biographies Of Famous Poets Gifted students write about the lives of 12 wellknown American poets. http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/schools/brisas/sunda/poets/poet.htm | |
27. Neurotic Poets - Neurotic Poets - The Link Between Creativity And Madness An exploration of madness and creativity in the lives of famous poets. Includes biographical sketches discussing their work in context, and links to other http://www.neuroticpoets.com/ | |
28. Hindi Authors A jumpstart page for most of the famous Poet s sites and web resources. http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~malaiya/hindipoets.html | |
29. The Welfare Poets The Welfare poets are a collective of activists, educators, and artists together since 1990. Through teaching residencies and workshops, through activism http://www.welfarepoets.com/ | |
30. Poets From Palestine poets From Palestine is an attempt to introduce a group of Palestinian poets who, in their poems, told the story of The Occupation and The Resistance. http://www.barghouti.com/poets/ | |
31. Albany Poets >> A membership organization in Albany, NY, organized to promote poetry, poets, and the local community. The site offers a calendar of events and other http://www.albanypoets.com/ | |
32. Persian Poetry And Poets At FarsiNet, Persian Poetry and poets at FarsiNet, , Farsi Poetry by Iranian poets at FarsiNet,Famous Persian poets like Saadi, Ferdowsi, Hafiz, http://www.farsinet.com/poetry/ | |
33. Going Early Into That Good Night - New York Times What is it about poets? Even in the pantheon of troubled artists, poets tend to This has led him to conclude that poets higher death rates are probably http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A01E4D7153AF937A15757C0A9629C8B6 |
34. Washington Poets Association-Welcome Washington poets Association, serving and inspiring individuals and communities across the state of Washington by supporting the creation, presentation and http://www.washingtonpoets.org/ | |
35. 17th C. English Literature: Metaphysical Poets Site for the Metaphysical poets of 17thcentury English Renaissance. http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/metaphysical.htm | |
36. The Poet's Haven An online magazine containing poetry, art, stories, essays, reviews, chat, and more. Submissions welcome. http://www.poetshaven.com/ | |
37. Poet's Corner, An Open Forum For Poets An online forum for poets. All submissions welcome. Poetry links and news available. http://www.poetscorner.org/ | |
38. THE LAST POETS Hopefully, you have just read poems of THE LAST poets. Now you can read their biography below, but while you are doing it why don t you hear them http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/LAST-POETS/last_poets0.html | |
39. Island Of Freedom - Poets An Index of poets in Representative Poetry Online Your Daily Poetry Break - Daily Poem THE JOLLY ROGER RECOMMENDED At Quarter Past Reality New and http://www.island-of-freedom.com/POETS.HTM | |
40. P O E T S @ I N T E R N A L . O R G poets @ internal.org. Alfred Lord Tennyson Anonymous Christopher Marlowe Dylan Thomas e.e. cummings Edgar Allen Poe Ezra Pound George Gordon, http://www.internal.org/list_authors.phtml | |
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