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41. Mayhem Poets Utilizing hiphop rhythms and dynamic theatrical techniques, the Mayhem poets have developed powerful performances and workshops to to inspire people of all http://www.mayhempoets.com/ | |
42. Smalltown Poets www.smalltownpoets.com/ 1k - Cached - Similar pages Welcome to poetsAndPornstars.com©2007 poets and Pornstars. http://www.smalltownpoets.com/ |
43. The Poets Asylum - Performance Poetry In Central Massachusetts And Worcester Cou The poets Asylum in our thirteenth year of bringing performance poetry to Central Massachusetts and Worcester County. Home of the Worcester Slam Team. http://www.poetsasylum.org/ | |
44. BBC - BBC Four - Audio Interviews - Poets One of the most influential poets of the 20th century, Auden s life and work reflect a progression, from the politically committed poems of his. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/professions/poets.shtml | |
45. Mad Poets Society - Home Mad poets Society bringing poetry and the appreciation of the spoken word to Philadelphia and its surrounding communities. http://www.madpoetssociety.com/ | |
46. Buzz Poets Buzz poets Official Web Site. Buzz poets are a Pennsylvania based rock band consisting of members Tripper, Phil MacDowell, Tim Gaber, Ron Lavella, http://www.buzzpoets.com/ | |
47. Funny Poems And Funny Poetry Funny poems and poetry. Whether you re a poet or not, submit your funny poem or choose from 50 categories twisted romantic love poems, silly birthday, http://www.funnypoets.com/ | |
49. Best New Poets Best New poets is an annual anthology of 50 poems from emerging writers. This year s guest editor is Mark Strand, and he will select 50 poems from from http://www.bestnewpoets.org/ | |
50. Fisher Poets Gathering Official Home Page A fourth reading venue has been added to Fisher poets Gathering (FPG) for the 11th annual event on the weekend of Feb. 22 to 24 in Astoria OR. http://www.clatsopcc.edu/fisherpoets/ | |
51. Free Mp3 Poetry Poets' Coop Download free MP3, poetry books,shop for paperbacks! poets can join, post poems in our forum, get our free newsletter, publish ebooks for free. http://www.poetscoop.org/ | |
52. Pmpoetry: Links To Poets These sites are dedicated to the work of one poet. Most are run by the poets themselves, some are started by dedicated readers and scholars. http://www.pmpoetry.com/linkspb.shtml | |
53. Pacific Northwest Poets And Poetry - PoetsWest Directory of poets and poetry in the Pacific Northwest. Selections of poetry, reviews, information on special public poetry performances, http://www.poetswest.com/ | |
54. Browse By Poet | Poetry Archive | Plagiarist.com poets. (List Poem Titles). poets whose last names begin with Deborah Ager New! This poet s work has been moved to our new archive site at PoetryX.com http://plagiarist.com/poetry/poets/ | |
55. American Poets Project American poets Project. Published by The Library of America, the American poets Project presents the most significant American http://www.americanpoetsproject.org/ | |
56. Kansas Poets & Poetry A resource collection of Kansas poets and Poetry and related material. http://www.kansaspoets.com/ | |
57. Christian Poetry - Fellowship Of Christian Poets Introduces an association that seeks to foster the use of poetry in Christian ministry, and describes their newsletter and services. http://www.christianpoets.com/ | |
58. Modern Persian Poetry - Iranian Women Poets Iranian Women poets, with FREE extracts from their Poetry. http://www.art-arena.com/womenp.htm | |
59. Poetry And Art In New Orleans' French Quarter: 17 Poets! 17 poets! is a weekly reading series. Part of the New Orleans School for the Imagination,it promotes poetry, dance, music and art as well as artists in the http://17poets.com/ | |
60. Lost Poets Of The Great War A hypertext document on the poetry of World War I. http://english.emory.edu/LostPoets/ | |
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