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41. International Broadcasting Bureau Homepage Information about the drive from International Broadcasting Bureau. http://www.ibb.gov/polioerad/ | |
42. Greater Boston Post-Polio Association Website of the Greater Boston Postpolio Association, which provides information and support for polio survivors who are now experiencing the new and http://www.gbppa.org/ | |
43. Fort Polio Defection Watch Shazna Nessa former executive multimedia producer for Portfolio com has left the shaky Conde Nast businesslike title and returned to. http://gawker.com/368145/fort-polio-defection-watch | |
44. Jonas Salk Biography -- Academy Of Achievement Human trials of the polio vaccine effectively protected the subject from the Salk s vaccine was composed of killed polio virus, which retained the http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/sal0bio-1 | |
45. New Jersey Polio Network Information and news of interest to polio survivors, their families, and the healthcare community. Links, local chapters, newsletter and conference updates, http://www.njpolio.org/ | |
46. GIANTmicrobes | Polio (Poliovirus) polio loomed over the early part of the 20th century polio was asymptomatic up to 99% of the time polio caused paralysis, and struck often in the summer http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/polio.html | |
47. Polio Echo, Inc. Support group for people with Postpolio Syndrome in the Phoenix, AZ area. There is information on the local chapters and their activities and speakers as http://polioecho.org/ | |
48. Home There are approximately 1.1 million individuals in the U. S. who survived the great polio epidemics of the 1940s and 50s. While most polio survivors http://www.polioassociation.org/ | |
49. MPR: Fighting Polio With "gentle Hands" polio was crippling thousands and there was no known cure or prevention. Throughout the 1940s and early 50s, polio struck 15000 Minnesotans 900 died. http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/200208/22_olsond_sisterkinney/ind | |
50. 50th Anniversary Of The Polio Vaccine Do You Remember what it was like before the polio vaccine? Were you a polio Pioneer? Were you in Ann Arbor on the announcement day? http://www.polio.umich.edu/ | |
51. International Rehabilitation Center For Polio The International Rehabilitation Center for polio (IRCP) at Spaulding Framingham is dedicated to treatment, research, and innovation in Postpolio Syndrome http://spauldingrehab.org/ourlocations/framingham/ircp | |
52. NVIC - Lawyer Referral I have won or settled compensation claims arising from DTP, DtaP, MMR, Rubella, polio, Hib, HepB, and Varicella vaccines. I have the experience and time to http://nvic.org/lawyer/Polio.htm | |
53. AllAfrica.com: Angola: Polio Campaign To Vaccine Over One Million Children In Lu Mar 12, 2008 allAfrica African news and information for a global audience. http://allafrica.com/stories/200803120776.html | |
54. Polio: Treatment, Symptoms, Cause, Prevention, Risks, Complications, Statistics polio treatment, symptoms, cause, prevention, risks, complications, statistics. http://www.mamashealth.com/polio.asp | |
55. Polio - Worldnews Network World News on polio, Diseapolio Disease Health Treatment Ilness Hospital Medicinese, Health, Treatment, Ilness, Hospital and Medicine. http://www.wn.com/polio | |
56. Infectious Diseases - Poliomyelitis (Polio) The majority of individuals who are infected with polio, however, have no symptoms and few have mild symptoms. Of those persons that do acquire the http://healthcare.utah.edu/healthinfo/adult/infectious/polio.htm | |
57. 5 Cases Of Polio In Amish Group Raise New Fears - New York Times Nov 8, 2005 polio is stealing through a tiny Amish community in central Minnesota, spreading from an 8month-old girl to four children. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/08/national/08polio.html | |
58. Anti-polio Campaign Thwarted By Clerics -DAWN - Top Stories; April 27, 2007 Apr 27, 2007 At least 2400 people refused to let their children be administered polio drops on the first day of the campaign. Local clerics called upon http://www.dawn.com/2007/04/27/top15.htm | |
59. A Conspiracy Theory Spreads Polio - Article By Daniel Pipes May 24, 2005 A Conspiracy Theory Spreads polio article by Daniel Pipes. http://www.danielpipes.org/article/2644 | |
60. Institute For Vaccine Safety - Polio Vaccine Issues More studies show no link between HIV and polio vaccine. Newly published studies provide further evidence against the theory that HIV was introduced to the http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/cc-polio.htm | |
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