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21. UPMC Presbyterian, UPMC | University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, P University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, which is affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences, is the leading integrated http://presbyterian.upmc.com/ | |
22. Presbyterian Hospital Of Dallas -- Dallas, Texas Flagship hospital of the presbyterian Healthcare System. History, business office, events, fitness center, services, physician finder and jobs. http://www.texashealth.org/hospitals/default.asp?enorgid=FD16313ECC5746F587B8536 |
23. The National Association Of Presbyterian Scouters Assisting and encouraging Boy Scout troops associated with presbyterian churches. Information on membership, officers list, worship plan for camps, http://www.presbyterianscouters.org/ | |
24. Welcome To Peachtree Presbyterian Church Atlanta, Georgia. Information on worship services, location, sermons, contemporary worship, staff, and church ministries. Includes online live and archived http://www.peachtreepres.org/ | |
25. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Presbyterianism In its doctrine on the Sacraments the presbyterian Church is thoroughly Calvinistic. Those who belonged to the United presbyterian Church of Scotland http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12392b.htm | |
26. Home - Presbyterian School Independent day school enrolling children of all faiths from the entry level Alpha Class (two year olds) through fifth grade. The middle school, grades 58, http://www.pshouston.org/ |
27. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: PRESBYTERIAN The presbyterian church including all denominations. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Religion/PRESBYTERIAN.html | |
28. Vienna Presbyterian Church Welcomes You! Worship schedule, contact information, directions, sermons (some with audio), and activity descriptions and calendars. http://www.viennapres.org/ | |
29. Grow With Us In The Word Of God! Information about the denomination, its beliefs, its agencies, and its local churches. http://www.bpc.org/ | |
30. Untitled Document Working for the peace and unity of the presbyterian Church (USA) in a time of faithful disagreement and continuing discernment. http://www.covenantnetwork.org/ | |
31. Evangelical Presbyterian Church National map of presbyteries, links to the denomination s presbytery websites, names and contact details for the current moderators, committee chairmen, http://www.epc.org/ | |
32. Cyndi's List - Presbyterian Historical Foundation of the Cumberland presbyterian Church and the Cumberland presbyterian Church in America ~ Memphis, Tennessee http://www.cyndislist.com/presbyterian.htm | |
33. Presbyterian Cursillo presbyterian sponsored 4th day Christian renewal movement. http://www.cursillo.com/ | |
34. Austinseminary.edu - Home presbyterian Church USAaffiliated institution located in Austin with an enrollment of about 260. Information about academic degree programs, http://www.austinseminary.edu/ | |
35. Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCA), Dallas, TX Park Cities presbyterian Church (PCPC) is a large, extended family of people seeking to be Christ s disciples and to bear His truth into our world. http://www.pcpc.org/ | |
36. The Presbyterian Coalition An organization promoting conservative leadership and confessional standards. Press releases, position papers, information on PCUSA polity with regard to http://www.presbycoalition.org/ | |
37. Tenth Presbyterian Church - Philadelphia, PA: Home Tenth presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Online sermons in video and audio. Teaching ministry of Philip Ryken. http://www.tenth.org/ | |
38. North Avenue Presbyterian Church | In Midtown Atlanta At Peachtree St. And North Atlanta, Georgia. Information on worship services, programs for all ages, location, upcoming events, and outreach ministries. http://www.napc.org/ | |
39. Redeemer Presbyterian Church Near UT. Weekly highlights, special events calendar, worship schedule and location, mercy ministries, and many essays and articles on faith and fellowship. http://www.redeemerpres.org/ |
40. Home Information on worship services, church staff, youth programs, upcoming events, and location. http://www.athenscentralpres.org/ | |
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