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41. Presbyterian Marriage Encounter Marriage Encounter is a weekend experience aimed at deepening and enriching marriages and is designed to help married couples communicate more intimately http://www.presby-me.org/ | |
42. Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship A mission support group which works with congregations to establish indigenous churches among unreached people. http://www.pff.net/ | |
43. Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary a graduate professional institution supported and endorsed by the presbyterian Church USA and is the foundation for those who have accepted the call to http://www.lpts.edu/ | |
44. Covenant Presbyterian Church Worship location and times, education and mission programs, newsletters and announcements. http://www.covenant.org/ |
45. Nursing Homes In Pennsylvania (PA) - Pennsylvania Nursing Homes - Presbyterian S Pennsylvania Nursing Home offers assisted living, skilled and intermediate nursing home care, alzheimers and dementia care, and adult day care. http://www.srcare.org/ | |
46. Reformed Presbyterian Church Of North America - Home The official site of the Reformed presbyterian Church of North America. http://reformedpresbyterian.org/ | |
47. Free Presbyterian Church - Main Page The official site of the Free presbyterian Churches in Northern Ireland and world wide. Site has links to churches, news, photos and resources. http://www.freepres.org/ | |
48. First Presbyterian Church Online - San Antonio Worship times, descriptions of Christian education programs, contact details, information on group ministries. http://www.fpconline.org/ | |
49. University Presbyterian Church Schedules, events, announcements, staff directory and contact information. http://www.upc.org/ | |
50. Menlo Park Presbyterian Church - , - Menlo Park Presbyterian Church Menlo Park. Information on worship services, upcoming events, ministries, and congregational news. http://www.mppcfamily.org/ | |
51. Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | Challenging The Church To Take Up Crosses, Not S The presbyterian Peace Fellowship isn t about talk, it s about action. If you re interested in living your faith to be a nonviolent peacemaker and to stand http://www.presbypeacefellowship.org/ | |
52. Home Worship times, a map, material on educational and fellowship programs. http://www.presbyterians.org/ | |
53. Presbyterian Publishing Corporation | The Official Denominational Publisher Of T The presbyterian Hymnal (Pew Edition) by Mark I. Pinsky Soul Feast (new tradesize) by Marjorie J. Thompson The presbyterian Handbook http://www.ppcbooks.com/ | |
54. University Presbyterian Church Worship times, office hours, contact details/map, sermon archive, upcoming events calendar. http://www.upcsa.org/ | |
55. Bellefield Presbyterian Church: Home Features church history, past newsletters, events, directions and contact details. http://www.bellefield.org/ | |
56. Bel Air Presbyterian Church Transforming Los Angeles into the greatest city for Christ. Evangelical presbyterian Church located in Los Angeles, California. http://www.belairpres.org/ | |
57. First Presbyterian Church Of Hollywood Hollywood. Offers education and personal growth, outreach, and artistic programs, as well as worship and events in the PCUSA tradition. http://www.fpch.org/ | |
58. First Presbyterian Church - Jackson Mississippi We are thankful for your interest in First presbyterian Church. Learn more about what s happening here at First presbyterian Church of Jackson. http://www.fpcjackson.org/ | |
59. Welcome To Valley Presbyterian Hospital Valley presbyterian Hospital is a notfor-profit, acute care hospital located in the San Fernando Valley. http://www.valleypres.org/ | |
60. Saint Mark Presbyterian Church Rockville, Maryland. Worship schedule, directions, staff directory, statement of beliefs, events calendar, material on Christian education and missions. http://www.saintmarkpresby.org/ | |
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